Advancing Internet Policy Research in Africa

By Juliet Nanfuka |
The conversation and actions on internet related policy in Africa have grown in recent years as has the appreciation of its impact on internet users. However, research to support advocacy for improved internet policy development on the continent remains relatively low despite a growing internet penetration and its resultant impact on the continent’s social, economic and political scenes. This has led to the need to train, connect, and build collaboration between researchers, policy makers and internet freedom advocates across the region.
Accordingly, between February 26 and March 3, 2018, an intensive African regional training on Internet policy research methods will be held in Kampala, Uganda. Hosted by the Annenberg School for Communication’s Internet Policy Observatory and the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East (CIPESA), along with several partners from across Africa, the six-day program is aimed at building collaborative possibilities across sectors, expanding research capacity within the practitioner and digital rights advocacy communities, as well as providing the skills to strategically use research and data to advance advocacy efforts. Ultimately, it aims to improve working synergies between emerging African networks of civil society organisations, academic centres, technologists and think tanks.

The workshop is designed as an intensive practicum, covering both quantitative and qualitative methods as well as offering case studies which illustrate how to strategically use research for advocacy and policymaking. It will also entail theoretical and practical sessions on a range of topics including legal analysis, survey methods, social network analysis, strategic communication, data visualisation, and network measurement.
Past workshops in the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America were successful in equipping a diverse group of participants with the skills needed to understand how to frame research questions, understand various qualitative and quantitative research methods, and collaborate across disciplinary and professional silos.
Following a public call for applications which was launched at the Forum on Internet Freedom Africa 2017, over 400 applications were received from across Africa. A total of 40 applicants – representing 17 countries – with diverse skills and professions including journalists, lawyers, researchers, technologists, academics and government representatives were successful. The represented countries include Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Among the participants is South Africa based Yolanda Mlonzi, co-founder of the Southern African Emerging Leaders in Internet Governance (SAELIG), who notes that, “We find ourselves in an exciting yet critical time, where we have the opportunity to set our own standards and shape internet policy for the better. The workshop presents a great opportunity for learning, to stretch my current positions on internet policy in Africa and most importantly, to start thinking of ways to contribute to quality research that seeks to advance the notion of understanding internet policy through the human and digital rights framework.”
Gambian Demba Kandeh, a journalism and digital media lecturer at the University of The Gambia, echoed Mlonzi’s sentiments on research-driven policy development, noting: “Making impact with research is key but often difficult … there is an opportunity for relevant stakeholders across the continent to seize the opportunity to advance well-researched policy options for the region.” Meanwhile, Namibian researcher and journalist, Frederico Links, pointed out the current gaps affecting strong policy formulation stating that, ”the African internet-related policy space is woefully underdeveloped and weak, and reflects both a severely limited state sector understanding of internet and technology related matters, as well as significant cross-sectoral capacity constraints.”
The workshop will include faculty from the Annenberg School for Communication –  University of Pennsylvania, Alliance for Affordable Internet – World Wide Web Foundation, CIPESA, DefendDefenders, Department of Media Studies at University of Virginia, Human Rights Network for Journalists (Uganda), Internet Policy Observatory, Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), Lynchburg College (USA), Makerere University College of Computing and Information Sciences (Uganda), Medic Mobile, Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI), Open Observatory of Network Interference, Open Technology Fund, Paradigm Initiative, Pollicy, Research ICT Africa, Social Media Exchange (SMEX), Small Media and Unwanted Witness.
Follow the #InternetPolicyAfrica hashtag for updates on the workshop. Remember to follow the organiser Twitter accounts too – @InternetPolicyO and @cipesaug
You can also share your vision for the future of internet use in Africa using the #InternetFreedomAfrica hashtag

CIPESA Submits Comments On The Uganda Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015

Official Submission |
Article 27 of Uganda’s constitution provides for citizens’ right to privacy, however, there is no law to protect an individual’s data privacy despite the large amounts of citizen data collected by government departments and private entities on a regular basis. More concerning, is that this data is collected with no guarantee of its protection and privacy.
Some existing legislation, for instance the Computer Misuse Act, 2011 (section 18); Access to Information Act, 2005 (section 26); Uganda Communications Act, 2013 (section 79); Electronic Signatures Act, 2011 (section 81); and the Regulation of Interception of Communications Act, 2010 (section 2) prohibit unauthorised access and disclosure of information. However, the provisions in these laws are not elaborate and do not adequately protect personal data.
The publication of the draft Data Protection and Privacy Bill 2014 was therefore a milestone. Accordingly, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) submitted comments to that version of the bill. Various concerns were raised including vague wording which left the bill open to misinterpretation, unclear procedural processes for collection and retention, as well as the costs associated with accessing personal data.
More recently on , CIPESA welcomes the Parliament of Uganda’s call for submissions on the Draft Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015. It once again gives opportunity for stakeholders to provide input to ensure that the law, when enacted, measures up to internationally acceptable standards of data protection.
In our latest submission, we highlight some of the positive principles and provisions of the Bill. Furthermore, we indicate areas of concern and suggest amendments to ensure that if the bill is passed into law, there are sufficient safeguards to regulate the collection, storage and use of data towards upholding citizens’ right to privacy.
See the full submission made on the Uganda Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015 presented to the Committee on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda

The Digital Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: What’s Missing?

By Kesa Pharatlhatlhe |
The global digital economy continues to grow, fueled by the increasing migration of social interactions, economic activities, and transactions online. Indeed the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector is powering various activities, such as banking, buying and selling goods and services, and access to health, education and entertainment.
In Africa, innovation, increasing affordability of hardware and internet connectivity are propelling the continent’s digital economy, but there remain challenges to growth. Internet penetration in Africa stands at 21.8% of the population, leaving the majority of the continent’s population offline.
According to  the  GSMA,  the  number  of  SIM  cards  in  use  in  Sub-Saharan  Africa  reached  731  million  at  the  end  of  2016,  and  is  expected  to  rise  to  nearly  one  billion  by  2020. By this time, the number of mobile broadband connections will reach half a billion, more than double the number at the end of 2016.
The use of mobile-based financial transaction platforms has grown exponentially, bringing the unbanked population and the informal sector in the majority of Africa’s developing countries to more structured financial transaction systems. Additionally, digital applications have encouraged the growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises through access to ICT-enabled financial services and marketing. In turn, the digital economy’s contribution to Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) continues to grow.
Various domestic e-platforms have emerged in the region, indicating that the African digital economy landscape has positive prospects. In Nigeria, for example, Asuqu connects small businesses to creative individuals and professionals for freelance services. Then there is Jumia, whose parent company surpassed the US$ 1 billion market value in 2016. Jumia offers ecommerce services (retail, travel, food) in various African countries including Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and Uganda, Other examples of notable online platforms in Africa include Esoko (Ghana), mFarm (Kenya) and Novus Agro (Nigeria).
However, the region’s limited internet access, low purchasing power, high levels of illiteracy and poor infrastructure, among others, have affected the pace of growth of these platforms.
 Affordability poses another challenge. A World Bank report on digital dividends shows that on average internet access costs US$206.6 per Mbit/s per month in coastal countries in Africa, compared to a whooping US$ 438.82 per Mbit/s per month in landlocked countries. Chad, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Mali and Niger have some of the highest access costs.
Nonetheless, some coastal countries like South Africa which has four undersea fibre optic cable systems, have ongoing campaigns against high data prices. Indeed, according to the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), very few countries in Africa meet the “1 for 2” target for affordable internet where 1GB of mobile data should not cost more than 2% of the average citizen’s monthly income. Currently, citizens in several African countries would need to spend up to 9.3% of their average income to access broadband data.
Furthermore, the absence of relevant data for the ICT sector, such as e-ecommerce statistics, is impacting on the capacity of states to make informed policy and implementation decisions. Moreover, the continued practice to shut down or disrupt internet, has negative consequences for the digital economy. Besides, as applause rings for the capacity that African countries have for “leapfrogging” in the digital age, often under-looked is the impact that this has on relevant local content, adequate localisation of technologies, policy development and a widening gender digital divide.
As such, there is a need to review and update existing regulatory frameworks to deal with emerging issues and new technologies. The absence or poor implementation of laws such as on cybersecurity, data protection and privacy, could slow down the momentum of Africa’s digital economy growth. Although various national broadband strategies have been released by countries in a bid to coordinate broader actions on issues related to technology use, unless the aforementioned gaps are addressed, the realisation of these policies will continue to face an uphill battle.
Governments need to design policies and regulations to significantly increase broadband deployment (especially to rural areas to bridge the urban-rural divide) and investment in the tech sector through Public-Private-Partnerships – extending tax incentives for infrastructural investment to private businesses.
There is also pressing need to integrate a gender perspective in all relevant policies and strategies and to make a concerted effort to mainstream women empowerment in strategies, policies, and budgets addressing issues of gender equality, as well as focusing on accessibility, affordability, safety and digital skills in Africa.
All in all, more still needs to be done to advance the digital economy in Sub-Saharan Africa and ultimately shift from being consumers of technology goods and services to originators of disruptive tech.

Reflecting on the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) at the Internet Governance Forum 2017

IGF Pre-event |
Join the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) at the Internet Governance Forum 2017 where we will share on the evolution of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) at a pre-event on December 17, 2017!
We’ll explore insights from our latest report on the State of Internet Freedom in Africa 2017 themed Intermediaries’ Role In Advancing Internet Freedom – Challenges And Prospects as well as uncover what is sometimes left out of discussions on the economic impacts of internet shutdowns in Sub-Saharan Africa. For this discussion we’ll reference a new framework we developed this year. You can see more about it here: Calculating the Economic Impact of Internet Disruptions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Are you keen on going into the IGF with a solid background on the internet freedom landscape in Africa?  Join us as we reflect on the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica), discuss its evolution, the lessons learnt, the gaps and opportunities that lie ahead for policy development and practical advancement of digital rights in  Africa.

  • Venue: Join us at Room 18, Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG)
  • Location:  17 rue de Varembé, CH – 1211 Genève 20
  • Date: Sunday, December 17, 2017
  • Time: 13h30 – 14h30

We’ll also share how various organisations have supported the growth of the FIFAfrica in various ways ranging from increasing participation of African delegates, in-depth research and analysis, unique workshops, through to skills exchange and network building.
To confirm attendance, please register here. 

Online Chat On Internet Shutdowns

Online Chat |
On Friday December 15, 2017, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) will spend some time sharing insights on internet shutdowns. Between 15h00 and 16h00 East African Time (EAT) we will explore the spate of shutdowns affecting Sub-Saharan Africa and the efforts to navigate them.

Have you experienced an internet shutdown? Are you experiencing a shutdown? What work or insights would you like to share around this issue? What is the way forward?

We will also share insights on the economic impact of internet shutdowns with reference to a new framework we developed on calculating the Economic Impact of Internet Disruptions in Sub-Saharan Africa
A few of the documented cases of deliberate interruption of digital communications in sub-Sahara Africa in December thus far include an ongoing shutdown in Anglophone regions of Cameroon which as of today has run for 75 days. An earlier shutdown in the same region lasted 93 days. This week also Ethiopia experienced interruptions to its communications – primarily Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter due to protests in the Oromia region. Further afield, in Yemen, there were reports of some internet filtering, blocking, throttling, and social media shutdowns.
Join the discussion and share your views on how we can #KeepItOn and protect #InternetFreedomAfrica