The Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2020 (FIFAfrica20) is Open For Registration! 

FIFAfrica20 |
On September 28-30, 2020, the seventh edition of the annual Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) will be co-hosted by the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) and Paradigm Initiative (PIN).
FIFAfrica20 will be a hybrid event featuring online and offline engagements. In-country satellite events will be hosted in the Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo ), Dakar (Senegal) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
We look forward to the lineup of speakers from a diversity of organisations across the world coming together to deliberate on issues such as misinformation, network disruptions, the impact of Covid-19 on digital rights (including on issues such as education, elections, access to information) through to online content moderation, strategic litigation, diversity and inclusivity online, consumer protection, artificial intelligence, and the continued concerns on data privacy.
As has been a constant, the Forum will also feature practical skills and knowledge for human rights defenders, media workers and policy makers on relevant topics. We will also host a digital security hub where participants can directly engage virtually with experts on their digital security concerns and questions.
Meanwhile, in support of digital rights advocacy and research communities of practice, we will host a Digital Rights Networks’ Convention aimed at showcasing and strengthening linkages between collaborative movements on digital rights in Africa.
Register for the Forum here

Call for Applications: Level Up Your OrgSec!

Announcement |

Are you worried about hackers and phishing? Are you an organisation with digital security concerns?  Do you want to pursue activism and advocacy safely and securely? If these descriptions sound like your organisation, then you shouldn’t miss out on joining this exciting and fast-paced program working with human rights technologists to improve your organisational security!

If you are a technologist, trainer, systems auditor, or IT staffer working with communities of human rights defenders and are interested in applying and developing skills for supporting organisations described above, we are looking for you too!

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) is seeking activists and human rights defenders in Ethiopia, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, and Tanzania looking to Level Up their organisational and information systems security capacity.

Organisations engaged will be supported to assess the information security standing of their offices, networks, devices, and assets such as accounts, databases, and websites. They will additionally receive support to establish more robust information systems with strong security safeguards. Organisations will additionally be advised on developing IT Security policies and building internal capacity to maintain security in the long-term.

To indicate your interest, fill in the form for organisations here and individuals here by September 13, 2020

CIPESA Joins Call Urging Burundi Gov't To #KeepItOn During Elections

Joint Letter |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has joined 30 international human  rights advocacy groups of the #KeepItOn coalition in urging authorities in Burundi to ensure that the May 20, 2020 elections will be void of any network disruption of digital communications  and to enable voters to freely elect their leaders.

The state of internet freedom in Burundi has been precarious due to the continued tightened  control over independent media and critical online publishers by the government. See the 2019 report on the State of Internet Freedom in Burundi

The coalition has submitted a joint letter to the government of Burundi to ensure open, secure and stable access to the internet and social media platforms throughout the country’s presidential elections. The signatories appealed to the authorities in Burundi to consider the following recommendations to guarantee citizens’ active participation in the elections:

  • Ensure that the internet, including social media and other digital communication platforms, remains accessible throughout the elections
  • Ensure that the Agence de Régulation et de Contrôle des Télécommunications (ARCT) and the Conseil National de la Communication take all the necessary regulatory measures to ensure internet service providers  (ISPs) inform people of any form of disruption or interference in the provision of internet access
  • Order the unblocking of all websites of independent media outlets that are currently inaccessible in the country

. Read the joint letter.

How Technology is Aiding the Covid-19 Fight in Africa

By CIPESA staff |

As the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) continues to spread globally, various African governments have imposed sweeping measures such as travel bans, curfews, prohibition of mass gatherings, mandatory quarantines, closure of learning institutions, entertainment spots and borders to curb the pandemic. Some of these measures have boosted the use of digital technologies. But in some countries, responses are marred by pre-existing regressive measures and could affect the enjoyment of digital rights during and post-coronavirus.

Various governments have been quick to encourage mobile money use for local transactions and payment for goods and services in lieu of cash, to stem the contagion. In response, mobile network operators have increased daily limits and waived fees on nominal transfers via mobile money. Effective March 17, for 90 days, Kenya’s Safaricom increased the daily transaction limit via M-Pesa from Kenya Shillings (KES) 140,000 to KES 300,000 (USD 1,400 to USD 3,000) and waived fees off peer-to-peer transfers up to USD 10. Airtel and MTN have done the same in their major markets including Cameroon, Ghana, Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia.

Other efforts by telecom companies have included doubling internet speeds for home fibre packages at no extra cost to users for at least a month and the deployment of Google Loon to boost 4G network coverage in remote areas in Kenya; promotional ‘work from home’ data bundles and a campaign to educate the public on the pandemic by MTN Uganda; and zero-rating information from the health ministry website and free text messaging services to ‘keep public connected’ by Airtel Uganda

Global mobile operator Vodafone, operational in 10 African countries, is reported to have said that it is offering governments the ability to send text messages free of charge to people living in areas that have been hit by the coronavirus. MTN Cameroon is supporting the national response strategy through dissemination of awareness messages and facilitation of communications between health personnel and the operations of test centres. All providers in Cameroon – Camtel, MTN, Orange and Viettel – are offering subsidised data bundles to facilitate remote work and citizens’ access to information via the internet.

Meanwhile, broadcast media is increasingly being recognised as an essential service alongside more recent digital media forms as a channel for public sensitisation. To ensure access to current information, the pan-African pay TV operator DStv/Multichoice is availing 24-hour news channels to non-subscribers for free. 

The potential of technology to facilitate containment of the spread of the coronavirus notwithstanding, the internet is now also posing a significant threat to fighting the pandemic. Social media in many African countries has been awash with speculation, false and misleading information on Covid-19. In Uganda, unverified reports circulated that a Rwandan national who had tested positive for Covid-19 had escaped to Uganda. In Kenya, vigilantes acting on false information beat a man to death on suspicion of having the coronavirus.

National health authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO) are also  fighting disinformation on the virus through counter-narratives online and offline. For instance, Uganda’s health ministry used its social media accounts to dispel several false reports of positive cases that were circulating prior to confirmation of the first case. Many African governments have set up portals, opened toll-free lines and WhatsApp channels to disseminate reliable information on the pandemic as well as enable citizens to report suspected cases. These channels are available in multiple languages.

In Senegal, the platform set up by the State Information Technology Agency (ADIE), provides reliable information on Covid-19, practical advice and awareness videos, and statistics on the spread of the virus via an interactive dashboard showing data for each locality. Individuals can also report a case of infection via the platform. Additionally, a “Doctor covid chatbot” accessible on Whatsapp allows dynamic interactions with integrated voice in French and Wolof.

Further, social media platforms have not only served as moderators of content on the virus but also as conduits of information from their users, including those with malicious intent. However, Facebook has indicated that due to its staff working from home, it is currently relying more on automated tools, rather than individuals, to identify problematic content. As a result, mistakes could be made and it may take longer to take down harmful content.

The front line against misinformation online has also shifted to legislative means which have been received with concern. Upon declaring Covid-19 a national disaster, South Africa passed regulations criminalising the spread of false news on the virus, punishable by up to six months imprisonment, a fine, or both.

In Kenya, the health minister said misinformation was jeopardising the government’s efforts to fight Covid-19 and warned that authorities would arrest those spreading false information. Kenya’s cyber crimes law has since been used to prosecute two individuals for spreading false information. Well-known blogger Robert Alai was charged over claims that two individuals had died in the coastal city of Mombasa; while another individual was arrested for claiming the government was lying about the first coronavirus case in Kenya.

Uganda’s communications regulator issued an advisory warning against circulation of false information on Covid-19. In Guinea, Kaka Touda, an independent journalist, was arrested in early March for posting information on social media about a possible Covid-19 case at the National referral hospital.

Nonetheless, some countries have in place measures that undermine citizens’ access to digital communications, which hampers the use of ICT in fighting against the spread of the coronavirus. For instance, Ethiopia still maintains an internet blockade on the Oromia region, denying citizens access to critical information. Uganda’s social media tax of USD 0.05 per day of access is an impediment to access to information for many citizens, notably lower income groups. In most of Africa, internet access remains out of reach for many, with high taxation being a key driver of the high cost of access.

In Cameroon, MTN has committed to “ensure the availability of its network and its services, to allow Cameroonians to stay connected in these difficult times”. This is particularly crucial as Cameroon has in the past initiated two internet shutdowns in the Anglophone region of the country, which together lasted 240 days.

As the situation on the pandemic evolves, governments and telecom companies should refrain from arbitrarily shutting down the internet as a way of containing misinformation and false news, as this would violate citizens’ right to express themselves and to access information, and the resulting information void would provide fertile ground for the virus to spread. Meanwhile, taxes on access to vital platforms such as social media should be scrapped to enhance citizens’ access to information

Follow the CIPESA (@cipesaug) hashtag #InternetFreedomAfrica which has a Twitter thread on Covid-19 developments from around the continent. 

Covid-19 in Africa: When is Surveillance Necessary and Proportionate?

By CIPESA staff |

As the world grapples to contain the novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19), the role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance disease surveillance, coordinate response mechanisms, and promote public awareness has become more significant. This role of digital technologies is particularly crucial in sub-Saharan Africa where systemic vulnerabilities such as weak health systems and high levels of illiteracy could slow the response to the pandemic.

As of March 25, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 2,245 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in 44 countries and 58 deaths in 12 countries in Africa. For a continent of 1.2 billion people across 54 countries, these numbers are still relatively  low, but could potentially escalate. The head of the WHO has advised African governments “to prepare for the worst and prepare today.

In order to stem the spread of the coronavirus, several countries across the world have deployed the use of big data, mobile apps and other digital technologies. Austria, Iran, Israel, Italy, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Province of China, and the USA are among the countries using geo-location technology reliant on data from tech platforms and telecom companies in order to contain the spread of the Covid-19. 

In Austria, A1 Telekom has provided the government with real-time data on its subscribers to enable disease surveillance, while Deutsche Telekom is providing anonymised subscriber data to the Robert Koch Institute which is coordinating the German national response to Covid-19. Singapore’s contact tracing app is purportedly privacy conserving and data protection sensitive. Given the urgency of the pandemic and the dire social and economic costs, countries such as the USA and Israel are triggering emergency powers to institute state-level surveillance previously reserved for counter-terrorism operations. 

China’s approach has seen the country leverage its pervasive and sophisticated digital surveillance infrastructure for disease control. Citizens in provinces such as Hubei – the worst hit by the virus – are required to install mobile apps that track travel and medical history and effect ‘digital quarantines’ to control access to subways, malls, and other public spaces. Drones and robots have also been deployed in the affected areas. In Italy, the second hardest-hit country after China, Vodafone has indicated in a statement that it is “providing Italian officials with anonymised customer data to track and analyse population movements in the hard-hit Lombardy region, where people are in lockdown.”

According to Bloomberg, about a dozen countries are testing a disease surveillance tool developed by Israeli spyware firm NSO Group. The software purportedly collects up to two-weeks of mobile tracking data from an infected person and matches it with geo-location data from mobile operators, which identifies individuals who were in close proximity with the infected person. The NSO Group has over the years been at the centre of spyware schemes in authoritarian and repressive governments in Africa and elsewhere. 

The extent to which African countries are conducting technology-based disease surveillance is not fully known. However, according to an unconfirmed report, Kenya is monitoring the mobile phones of individuals who are under self-isolation, to arrest those who violate the restrictions imposed on their movements. Further, the Kenyan government has announced it will launch a contact tracing app for public transport to provide critical contact data that will help trace back the movements of confirmed or suspected cases. In South Africa, telecom companies have agreed to give the government location data to combat Covid-19. In Uganda, where health authorities struggled to locate several individuals who travelled on the same flights as persons who tested positive for the coronavirus, there has been a suggestion to use information from the immigration department and telecom companies to locate those individuals.

While well intentioned, Covid-19 surveillance and data-based tracking interventions have been effected in haste, and with limited precedent and oversight mechanisms. 

See:   Covid-19 in Africa: A Technology and Digital Rights Response

Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic has fuelled debate about the ethics and legality of disease surveillance, echoing arguments around the collection and use of refugee data without consent nor agency. Recently, the chair of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), Andrea Jelinek, stated that data protection rules (such as the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) do not hinder measures taken in fighting the pandemic, but added that even in these exceptional times, data controllers must ensure the protection of personal data.

According to Jelinek, the GDPR provides the legal grounds to enable employers and competent public health authorities to process personal data in the context of epidemics, without the need to obtain the consent of the data subject. There are separate rules for processing electronic communication data, such as mobile location data. They require public authorities to first aim for processing of location data in an anonymous way, namely, processing data aggregated in a way that it cannot be reversed to personal data. When this is not possible, states may issue enabling legislation provided this is a necessary, appropriate and proportionate measure within a democratic society.

In a recent statement, renowned freedom of expression defenders similarly expressed support for efforts to confront the pandemic. However, they cautioned that it is crucial that the use of surveillance technology to track the spread of the coronavirus be limited in terms of purpose and time, and that individual rights to privacy, non-discrimination, the protection of journalistic sources, and other freedoms, be rigorously protected. They added that the use of such technology ”abide by the strictest protections and only be available according to domestic law that is consistent with international human rights standards.”

In Africa, there is no GDPR equivalent. However, in 2014 the African Union (AU) adopted the Convention on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection which has to-date been signed by only 14 countries and ratified by four countries. Regional blocs have also invested efforts in ensuring that data protection and privacy are prioritised by member states. In 2013, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) adopted a model law on data protection. Also in 2010, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) adopted the Supplementary Act A/SA.1/01/10 on Personal Data Protection Within ECOWAS. The East African Community, in 2008, developed a Framework for Cyberlaws

See: Challenges and Prospects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Africa

Notwithstanding these efforts, many countries on the continent are still grappling with enacting specific legislation to regulate the collection, storage and processing of individuals’ data. At least 28 African countries had enacted a privacy and data protection law by the end of 2019. But even those with the laws have challenges of implementing them.

Which Way for Data Privacy and Digital Rights?

Undoubtedly, greater availability and processing of data can be instrumental in addressing societal challenges such as the current coronavirus pandemic. However, a study on the use of big data in containing Ebola found plenty of evidence of misuse and abuse of the data and technological tools. It is therefore crucial that a balance is struck between processing data and conducting surveillance for the public good on the one hand, and protecting individuals’ rights on the other. This is essential both in trying times such as these, and in the post-coronavirus era. 

Should governments – and relevant actors such as telecom companies – appropriately navigate the balance between disease surveillance and human rights, it will provide valuable learning on good data governance practices – those that help to solve societal problems and inform policy, while at the same time respecting individuals’ digital rights. The reverse could be true too: If governments abuse data and botch up the coronavirus surveillance effort, they will undermine citizens’ trust in data-based initiatives. This would particularly be true in the African countries where digital rights are under threat, data protection is misunderstood and citizens’ appetite for public participation is low. 

It is therefore important that African governments commit to transparently deal with the use of technology-enabled disease surveillance, with robust legal safeguards and privacy standards. Accordingly, specific data protection principles must be adhered to. For instance, data should be processed for lawful and specific purposes and there must be strict accountability. Similarly, the justifications of public good should not be misused whatsoever, especially in the post-coronavirus era.

Follow the CIPESA (@cipesaug) hashtag #InternetFreedomAfrica which has a Twitter thread on Covid-19 developments from around the continent.