The 2012 Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) reports have been published. GISWatch is a collaborative community committed to building an open, inclusive and sustainable information society, through collaborative monitoring of implementation of international (and national) commitments made by governments towards the creation of an inclusive information society.
It focuses on monitoring progress made towards implementing the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) action agenda and other international and national commitments related to information and communications. It also provides analytical overviews of institutions involved in implementation. GISWatch aims to make governments and international organisations accountable for meeting the commitments they make through contributing to building a strong and sustainable global civil society policy advocacy network.
The GISWatch Reports are a series of yearly reports covering the state of the information society from the perspectives of civil society.
GISWatch is not only a publication, it is a process. The long term goal of the project is to build policy analysis skills and ‘habits’ into the work of civil society organisations that work in the areas of ICT for development, democracy and social justice.
ICT4Democracy in East Africa network partners CIPESA and WOUGNET are contributors to the 2012 edition.
Download the reports here.
This article was published by the ICT4Democracy in East Africa Network on February 18, 2013.
Transparency and Accountability Community of Practice Launched
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (T/AI) has launched a community of practice to bring together development partners, civil society organisations and researchers to expand the impact and scale of transparency and accountability interventions. The launch is taking place from February 17-20, 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Participants from across the world are exploring ways of sharing knowledge and support on where, when and how technology interventions can generate change.
CIPESA is excited to be taking part in the launch and understanding how this community of practice could add value to the work we are doing in the transparency and accountability field, in particular ICTs for Democracy and Open Data and eGovernment.
Read more about T/AI and the community of practice here.
Follow the proceedings on Twitter at #TAlearn.
Monitoring Internet Openness in Africa
With internet usage continuing to spread across Africa, there are numerous purposes to which African users are putting the internet – from mobile banking, to connecting with fellow citizens and with leaders, tracking corruption and poor service delivery, innovating for social good, and just about everything else.
The increasing usage of the internet, however, has in some countries attracted the attention of authorities, who are eager to provide caveats on the openness of the internet and the range of freedoms which citizens enjoy online. The popularity of social media, the Wikileaks diplomatic cables saga and the Arab Spring uprisings have led many governments including those in Africa to recognise the power of online media.
The year 2012 saw a number of African states put curbs on Internet Rights, in what portends tougher times ahead for cyber security. According to the Freedom on the Net 2012 report published by Freedom House, both physical and technical mechanisms of filtering, monitoring or otherwise obstructing free speech online have been employed by states concerned with the power of internet-based technologies.
In its study, Freedom House covered developments in internet freedom in 47 countries around the world. Based on an examination of obstacles to access, limits to content, and violation of user rights on the internet, countries were scored as ‘Free’, Partly Free’ or ‘Not Free’. The study found that in Sub Saharan Africa, Ethiopia was the only country to implement nationwide internet filtering. Meanwhile, South Africa and Kenya were reported as the most free. The former was credited for its high internet usage compared to other countries at the same level of development and the latter for its “growing diversity in content and fewer cases of arrest or censorship than in previous years.”
Ethiopia was reported as using paid pro-government commentators to manipulate internet discussions. There were also crackdowns and prosecutions of online,journalists as well a law that since 2002 prohibits the use of VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). In Zimbabwe, regime critics were said to often be faced with politically motivated cyber attacks.
Even Kenya, all its ICT sector positives notwithstanding, was reported as one of the governments seeking “less visible means” to control internet freedoms. The Country’s communications regulatory is reportedly setting up a surveillance system to monitor email communications due to cyber security threats. Pending legislation in South Africa, which requires telecommunications service providers to broaden their surveillance obligations, was also noted as having the potential to mass monitor communications.
Despite having relatively low restrictions on internet usage, Rwanda was reported as a ”country at risk” in 2013 owing to its “strict” controls over traditional media which are feared may extend to digital media.
Freedom House ranked Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe as ‘Partly Free’.
In 2013 through to 2014, CIPESA will be undertaking a project to monitor and promote internet freedoms in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa and Uganda. We shall be reporting on legal regimes on internet openness or the lack of it, censorship incidents and African initiatives that are promoting internet rights, among others.
Read more about CIPESA’s Internet Governance and Online Freedoms work.
2012 Uganda National IGF Report
The report of the 5th Uganda Internet Governance Forum organised by the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) in conjuction with the Uganda National Information Technology Authority – Uganda (NITA-U) and the Internet Society Chapter Uganda is available for download here.
ICT4Democracy in East AFrica Workshop in Dar es Salaam
The ICT4Democracy East Africa Network – of which CIPESA is a member – is currently holding a two day workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This workshop aims to promote the Network’s activities with partners showcasing the progress of their work to improve democratisation in the region.
The event was officially opened by Eng. Dr. Zaipuna Yonah, the Director of ICT, Ministry of Science and Technology in Tanzania. In his opening address, Eng. Dr. Zaipuna thanked the government of Sweden through (SPIDER) The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions and SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) for supporting the development of ICTs in the developing world and indicated that the work of the ICT4Democracy in East Africa network is already impacting the lives of citizens living in the region.
Eng. Dr. Zaipuna also highlighted the work the Tanzanian government was doing in developing ICT infrastructure within the country and extending it to neighbouring countries. He urged the members of the network to continue sharing the progress of their initiatives saying that “Accountability should not only be in what we read and write, democracy is more about translating the intentions into realities.”
To view the complete photo gallery of the ongoing workshop visit this link.
The presentations from the workshop will be uploaded at