IGF 2020 |

Over the past few decades, the rapid adoption of digital technologies has transformed how people engage with one another socially, politically, and economically. This transition is particularly notable in times of crisis that restricts personal movement, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, when internet connectivity and the digital ecosystem around it becomes indispensable for access to information, communication, and ability to work remotely and conduct e-commerce.

At this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the Center for International Public Enterprise (CIPE) will host a session exploring the building of inclusive digital economies in emerging markets which will explore how diverse actors are reimagining and rebuilding their local communities and how the global community can help ensure inclusive, digitally-enabled economic growth in the post-covid-19 era. The session will include panelists from the first cohort of the Open Internet for Democracy Leaders program, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Join the session on Building Inclusive Digital Economies in Emerging Markets on Monday, 16 November 2020 at 0:10 to 11:10 (UTC)

The pandemic underscored the gaps in the digital divide, both globally and within countries, particularly felt by local businesses in emerging markets. Entrepreneurs traditionally engaged in the informal economy, especially women and small businesses throughout the Global South, continue to face numerous barriers in utilizing online marketplaces to maintain and expand their operations. Barriers such as accessibility and affordability of the internet, insufficient resources and tools to upskill businesses, and the inadequate national-level digital policies and frameworks that facilitate competitiveness and access to global markets continue to undermine the shared United Nations goal to leave no one behind by 2030.

Business resiliency and new opportunities to engage in digital commerce are paramount to building an inclusive economy. To realize an equitable post-Covid-19 recovery, the global community must build consensus around key priorities impacting the development of more inclusive digital economies.

This requires coordinated multi-stakeholder efforts that provide opportunities to share locally-sourced priorities and solutions, establish new partnerships with common goals, and ensure diverse participation in policy development and implementation. Such efforts should include local business communities, women, and marginalized groups that are often excluded in the decision-making processes that affect their lives and livelihoods.

This participatory workshop will explore how diverse actors are reimagining and rebuilding their local communities and how the global community can help ensure inclusive, digitally-enabled economic growth in the post-Covid-19 era, with an emphasis on expanding digital inclusion across emerging markets. While the session speakers will provide key insights on resiliency and how to build inclusive frameworks, the core of the discussion will be dedicated to highlighting perspectives from the broader IGF community through online participation

See more about the session here.