Internet freedom is threatened by surveillance, censorship, and hacking and by an underground economy of online fraudsters and phishers. To make it in the digital era, you need digital survival skills. Stop by the DefendDefenders Digital Security Clinic table during the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2016 and bring your questions and concerns to our digital security practitioners.
  • Ask a question about a digital security concern
  • Pick up software that can help improve your digital security
  • Get help with an existing problem and let us triage your device
Trainers welcome! Calling all digital security trainers to visit the Clinic, network with each other, support human rights defenders, and trade techniques.
DefendDefenders (the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project) is a Uganda-based sub-regional organisation strengthening the work of human rights defenders (HRDs) throughout the region by reducing their vulnerability to the risk of persecution and by enhancing their capacity to effectively defend human rights. DefendDefenders focuses its work on Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia (together with Somaliland), South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
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