Call for Consultant: Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Specialist

Announcement |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) is a leading centre for research and analysis that works to defend and expand the digital civic space to enable the protection and promotion of human rights and to enhance innovation and sustainable development.

CIPESA is  searching for a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist to develop an institutional Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) system for the implementation of the organisation’s new Strategic Plan (2023-2027). The MEL system will enable CIPESA to monitor and track progress to inform learning, reflection, and decision-making at both operational and strategic levels. 

Furthermore, this MEL system will support CIPESA to increase knowledge, confidence, and success in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning. It will strengthen our organisational MEL practices, enhance our capacity to become more effective, and maximise our impact through review and learning with partners and the communities that CIPESA works with.

Applications for this consultancy will be accepted until August 2, 2023. 

For details on the consultant’s tasks, deliverables and how to apply, please refer to these Terms of Reference.

Call for Consultant: Informational Guide on Digital Security of Financial Transactions for CSOs in Uganda

Announcement |

The USAID/Uganda Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA) is a five-year USAID-funded Activity implemented by East-West Management Institute (EWMI) in partnership with the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) supported by EWMI seeks to develop and implement a CSO Compliance Index for the Regulatory Framework and Digital Security.

In this year CIPESA identified the need to develop and produce an informational guide on digital security of financial transactions for CSOs. The information Guide will feed into the overall goal which is to protect and expand civic space throughout Uganda by improving the enabling environment for civil society and fostering state-civil society engagement. And specifically, as a means to provide technical assistance towards strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders to address restrictions on civic space in Uganda.

Find the full details here.

New Reports Examine Internet Freedom Challenges in Francophone Africa

By Simone Toussi |

The situation of internet freedom in French-speaking countries in Africa is not regularly and adequately captured in research. However, two reports released in recent months move towards addressing this, as they provide a picture of the key issues affecting digital rights in up to 26 Francophone countries. The reports show that more than ever, Francophone African countries are facing pivotal choices in building a cyberspace that respects citizens’ rights and meets their needs.

Released in May 2023, the Digital freedoms in French-speaking African countries research by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) states that internet rights are at risk in most of the 26 Francophone African countries covered. The report scored and ranked the countries on the respect for digital freedoms based on barriers to access, content limitations, and violations of users’ rights.

A second study conducted by PROTEGE QV and JONCTION, with the support of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), sheds light on the main internet freedom concerns in Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal. The countries were assessed using the African Internet Rights and Freedoms Index (AIRFI) 2022 which contains 67 variables based on the 13 principles of the 2016 African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms (ADIRF)

The findings of the assessment were launched at a workshop on June 20, 2023. Speaking at the workshop, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) Francophone Officer, Simone Toussi, stated that the AIRFI is “a timely tool” given the prevailing context  where the internet, despite its multiple advantages, was fostering social inequities while also sometimes serving as a tool for repression by autocratic governments.

Out of 26 countries assessed by AFD, only Mauritius and Seychelles fell in the “Free” category – meaning digital freedoms were fully respected. The worst performers were Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, and Rwanda, which were ranked as “Non-free”, indicating that digital freedoms are “in serious trouble”. Seven countries were found to be “Partially Free” and 10 countries ranked “Partially Non-Free”, meaning digital freedoms are “Partially respected” and “Partially in trouble” respectively. 

Among the major regional trends, the AFD report cites internet shutdowns; deployment of mass or targeted surveillance solutions; online censorship, such as the blocking of local and international media websites; instrumentalisation of cybersecurity and disinformation laws; and a recurrent lack of data protection laws. Meanwhile, the AIRFI assessment highlighted the exclusion of marginalised and at-risk groups; barriers in accessing affordable internet; online surveillance and censorship; intimidation, arrest and prosecution of internet users; internet disruptions; and weak privacy and data protection systems. 

The AFD report notes that 21 of the 26 Francophone African countries have shut down the internet or limited online content at least once since 2017, with Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, CAR, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Mali, Senegal and Togo being repeat offenders. In 2022, Chad, Burkina Faso and Algeria shut down the internet. Furthermore, the governments of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea and Mali reportedly applied targeted filtering to websites or blocked social media groups belonging to opposition parties or dissident groups. 

Both reports cite the weaponisation of cybersecurity and anti-disinformation laws against journalists, human rights defenders, and citizens critical of governments. The AIRFI assessment shows how cybersecurity laws of Cameroon and Burundi are weak in ensuring digital safety of citizens, journalists and human rights defenders in conflict zones. Such a situation is transposable to other Francophone African countries that do not have either a cybersecurity law – CAR, Republic of Congo, DR Congo, Djibouti and Gabon – or a diligent monitoring system dedicated to cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime, or both. As a result, some Francophone African countries have suffered an increase in targeted cyberattacks, data breaches within government institutions and banking institutions, and ransomware attacks, as well as multiple cases of online harassment and abuse.

The lack of legislation for the protection of personal data is another concern in the region. The AIRFI assessment notes that rapid mobile penetration and social media use has led to increased data protection and privacy concerns. Many users are not aware of their rights and governments and companies continue to collect massive amounts of data without comprehensive data protection laws or oversight authorities, leaving citizens vulnerable to data theft and privacy breaches. 

The AIRF assessment also showed prevalence of surveillance, including through interception of communications and monitoring of people’s movements aided by massive data collection, and the search and seizure of people’s devices. According to the AFD report, the use of Pegasus spyware was documented in Rwanda, Togo, Morocco and Djibouti. Among the 26 countries studied, only 14 have signed or ratified the Malabo Convention, most have outdated, ambiguous or unenforced data protection laws while others, including Burundi, Cameroon, CAR, Comoros, DR Congo and Djibouti, are dragging their feet on adopting a data protection law.

The digital divide is still a challenge, with many marginalised groups left out of the digital society. The reports stress how the high costs of internet access and low internet speeds limit affordable and universal access, especially in rural areas where internet infrastructure is in short supply. Infrastructure roll out and maintenance were particularly a challenge in countries like the CAR and Mali which are faced with political instability and a security crisis linked to internal conflicts or terrorist attacks.   

Indeed, digital inclusion of marginalised and at-risk groups scored zero in most countries assessed under the AIRF index. Country reports outlined that persons with disabilities as well as refugees and displaced persons remain offline due to barriers such as language, usability challenges and mandatory SIM card registration tagged to possession of an identity card. 

According to the AIRFI assessment, countries such as Chad, Congo and Senegal are yet to take appropriate actions to ensure the right to development and access to knowledge, which are an essential catalyst of digital access, literacy and access to information. Others like Cameroon and Burundi have not taken any measures towards fostering cultural and linguistic diversity in the digital sphere.

The findings of both reports provide a comprehensive overview of the state of digital rights in Francophone Africa, and give visibility to contexts that are largely missing in existing reports on the situation of digital rights in Africa. The reports underscore that digital space in Francophone Africa will shrink further if states continue to exert more pressure on civil liberties through internet shutdowns, surveillance, limits to privacy rights, and adopt laws that limit freedom of expression, assembly and association under the pretext of combating disinformation, hate speech, terrorism and threats to national security. 

As a means towards remedy, recommendations are made to policy-makers, civil society, academia, and the private sector. Among them: the need for enactment and enforcement of rights-respecting and inclusive policy and legislation; regular documentation and assessment of digital rights developments in these countries to inform debate and design of interventions; and robust advocacy to align country digital policies and practices with human rights standards and push for transparency and accountability of governments and companies.

How Technology is Impacting Health Data Governance in Africa: The Case of Uganda

By CIPESA Writer | 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognised the potential of technology to enhance health outcomes. The WHO’s Global strategy on digital health 2020-2025 aims to promote the appropriate use of digital technologies for health, taking into consideration health promotion and disease prevention, patient safety, ethics, interoperability, intellectual property, data security (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), privacy, cost-effectiveness, patient engagement, and affordability.

In the wake of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), countries in Africa, like their counterparts across the world, have dramatically increased the use of digital technologies in the health sector, including in diagnosis, disease surveillance, education, research, data management, and care delivery. At regional level, the African Union (AU) and the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are setting up digitalisation policy frameworks for social-economic transformation including in the health sector. 

For instance, the AU’s Digital Transformation Strategy 2020-2030 cites the health sector (among others) as critical to driving digital transformation for prosperity and inclusivity. The Africa Union Data Policy Framework also emphasises that improved, integrated data systems directly contribute to improved health. 

In May 2023, the Africa CDC launched its Digital Transformation Strategy 2023-2030 to harness digital health to leapfrog some of the barriers affecting healthcare and public health. The strategy alludes to the challenge of poor quality of health data and poor governance and management practices of data ecosystems – such as poor coordination between governments and partners that fund these data infrastructure.

The AU and WHO assert that digital health solutions should benefit people in a way that is “ethical, safe, secure, reliable, equitable and sustainable”; and that they should be developed with principles of “transparency, accessibility, scalability, replicability, interoperability, privacy, security and confidentiality”. However, evidence from some African countries shows a complicated picture. 

Research has found that in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries adopted regulations and practices, including deploying disease surveillance technologies and untested applications, to enable them collect and process personal data for purposes of tracing, contacting, and isolating those suspected to be carrying the virus and those confirmed to carry it. These measures were quickly adopted, often without adequate regulation or oversight.

The reality of the explosion in use of digital tools in the health sector has not been adequately studied. Risks posed by these technologies to patient privacy and data protection, creation of data silos and duplication, and real world harm to patients are issues that should be investigated to inform efforts to institute relevant and effective safeguards.

Take an example of Uganda:

Uganda has a fairly robust national data ecosystem. The Uganda Bureau of Statistics is among the most efficient statistics agencies in Africa and it conducts major surveys on schedule. Various private entities, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and development partners have also introduced new tech-based data collection instruments often presented as plugging gaps and aiming to strengthen the data ecosystem. This progressive data collection culture has, however, inadvertently created a problem: multiple siloed data and information systems, many of them not speaking to each other.  

The country’s health sector is among the top funded – both by government and development partners – and has one of the strongest data and information systems.      

Since 1985 Uganda’s health ministry has used the Health Management Information System (HMIS) to collect health-related data so as to improve health care management decisions at all levels of the health system. The HMIS and its associated District Health Information System (DHIS2) are used to collect routine health data from the lowest health unit to the national referral hospital. The DHIS2 is an open source, web-based platform used in many countries to collect health data in clinics and hospitals. 

All state health facilities and privately-owned ones that are supported by the government, are expected to use the HMIS/DHIS2 systems and to submit routine patient data, according to the ministry’s HMIS procedure manual.  

While the HMIS is meant to provide data for monitoring and evaluating the progress of the health sector, over the years, the system has faced multiple challenges. It is largely paper-based, leading to poor quality of the data collected. Limited understanding and skills amongst health workers on HMIS tools and inadequate human resource capacity to analyse and curate the data add to the problem. Low involvement of private health providers in contributing data to the system is yet another challenge.

Uganda Embraces Technology for Health

In 2016, Uganda developed an eHealth Policy followed in 2017 by an eHealth Strategy, in whose preamble the ministry states that it recognises the potential of technology “in transforming healthcare delivery by enabling information access and supporting healthcare operations, management, and decision making”. The strategy stated that Uganda’s health sector was characterised by fragmented and siloed pilot projects and information systems with significant barriers to effective sharing of information. The policy aimed to ensure better coordination in the innovation space where multiple players aspire to improve health data management and service delivery using digital technologies.

In May 2023, the health ministry launched the new Uganda Health Information and Digital Health Strategic Plan 2020-2025 aimed at further strengthening the health information ecosystem in the country by promoting responsible use of digital tools to document and share patient data while maintaining coordination among all players.

These efforts by the health ministry align with Uganda’s digitalisation agenda as part of its National Development Plan (NDP) III, the country’s blueprint to becoming a middle income country. 

The health ministry’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan acknowledges challenges the government faces in digitising and transforming the health data ecosystem:

  • Limited qualified cadres in health information systems (HIS) at all levels, especially at lower levels of the health system. 
  • Inadequate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and capacity for HIS management including data security, data sharing, reporting and implementation at health facility and community levels.
  • A multiplicity of duplicate and uncoordinated health information platforms with limited integration into the national HIS.
  • Limited individual skills, system capabilities, financial resources and a lack of SOPs for supporting, using and maintaining digital health resources, equipment and infrastructure.
  • Limited use of electronic health and medical records for clinical care, research and routine data analytics that would aid policy and pragmatic decision-making.

The  above challenges are exacerbated by a shortage of supporting infrastructure. The country’s internet penetration rate stands at 60%, but internet costs are prohibitively high, and many health facilities lack connectivity. Furthermore, the electricity access rate stands at just 57%.

Digital Health Applications and Data Governance

The Covid-19 pandemic saw a proliferation of pandemic-related innovations in Uganda, including for contact tracing, and digitisation of vaccination data. Yet not many of the innovations did not adhere to established data protection regulations. Similarly, the Public Health (Control of COVID-19) Rules, 2020 and the Public Health (Prevention of COVID-19) (Requirements and Conditions of Entry into Uganda) Order, 2020 did not specify measures to guarantee data protection.

The Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO) was not operationalised until August 2021 – deep into the enforcement of the country’s disease surveillance measures. To-date, there is no indication that the Office had any oversight over the enforcement of COVID-19 Rules and the Order of 2020 in accordance with the data protection law.

Health Data Regulation: Lessons from COVID-19 Surveillance in Kenya and Uganda, June 2023.

More recently, a coordinated response to the Ebola virus outbreak in Uganda enabled its swift end partly due to a centralised repository of data on Ebola cases from verified sources, which provided vital information to various stakeholders. Another data tool by WHO called Go.Data improved Ebola surveillance, contact tracing and decision making, rendering the epidemic easier to manage. The tool revolutionised data collection, collation and analysis, which are critical in disease outbreaks situations by enabling frontline health workers and District Health Teams (DHTs) to handle information management for contact follow-up and reporting in real-time. And yet, just like with the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been no transparency or audits on these tools’ data protection practices. 

Accordingly, it is imperative that Uganda puts in place regulatory standards and guidance to effectively reap the benefits of innovation in the health sector. The health ministry and Makerere University have developed a handbook that provides a set of requirements to guide the development of digital health standards and adoption of digital health data standards to enhance health information management and decision-making processes across the health sector. 

As part of rolling out those standards, it will be crucial for the ministry to establish Working Groups made up of a multi stakeholder group of experts that can review innovations in the health data management sector, including their privacy credentials and general added value. Furthermore, they would establish benchmarks and best practices in the health data innovation space, such as  on collaboration, to avoid duplication of efforts and promote interoperability. Meanwhile, other existing frameworks  such as the Uganda Bureau of Statistics 2018  rules for conducting surveys and censuses should be strictly enforced for both state and non-state actors.For its part, the Office of Personal Data Protection (PDPO) is now fully operational and provides benchmarks on how to handle personal data. The PDPO has enforced registration of data collectors, controllers and processors and rolled out capacity building as well as awareness raising programmes. Dedicated interventions by the PDPO targeting the health sector will ensure that actors and entities are compliant with regulations, thereby ensuring patient data confidentiality and integrity.

Health Data Regulation: Lessons from Covid-19 Surveillance in Kenya and Uganda

In today’s highly digitalised society, where large amounts of data are being collected and processed, the need for guidelines on health data governance can not be overemphasised. Health data is profoundly sensitive and breach of privacy can cause significant harm to concerned individuals and affect health outcomes. Such guidelines should regulate how data is collected, how and where it is stored, who can share or process it, and what they can do with the data.

As global interest in the regulation of health data picks pace, it is instructive to revisit how health data collected during massive data collection exercises has been handled in some African countries. This examination is crucial to appreciate the key challenges faced in safeguarding the privacy and security of health-related data. This can provide pointers to the areas that require regulation and strengthening of practices.

In this June 2023 Brief, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) recounts how measures related to tracking and monitoring people’s movements, communications and health data by the Kenyan and Ugandan governments and private entities during the Covid-19 pandemic were deemed to have breached the right to privacy, lacked sufficient oversight, and did not respect data protection principles.

Based on experiences from Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda, the Brief cites recommendations by the Transform Health Coalition, on the need for “common regulatory standards to harness the potential, and manage the risks, of health data sharing within and across borders, ensuring data is used for public good and prioritising equity, whilst protecting individual rights”. 

Furthermore, the Brief puts forward pointers on how African governments can balance the responsibility to protect personal health data with the importance and value of sharing it for public good purposes such as research, innovation and health planning:

  • Develop clear and comprehensive privacy rights-respecting guidelines on health data through consultative processes that involve different private, civil society and public sector actors.
  • Regional and global cooperation in devising the guidelines is key to share best practices and promote cross-country cooperation and harmonisation of regulations.
  • The health data regulations should clearly and robustly embed all the high-level data protection principles. For health data specifically, it must only be processed for a period not longer than is necessary to achieve the intended purpose.
  • The guidelines should provide for assessment by independent bodies of applications and systems that collect health data for their privacy / data protection credentials.
  • The guidelines should include provisions on data collection, storage, sharing during pandemics and other health emergencies.
  • Government, private companies and medical facilities should be transparent about what data they hold, who they share it with, how they process and store it, and who accesses it and for what purpose.
  • Developers of health apps should embrace privacy by design when developing applications that collect, store or process health data. They should also have internal data governance policies that highlight the steps to ensure that the data they collect and process is secure.
  • Establish accountability mechanisms for apps and health data collectors and ensure data protection authorities proactively enforce them.
  • Government bodies should be transparent about all public–private partnerships they enter that entail data collection, storage and data sharing.
  • The regulations should encourage data sharing and reuse at national level, as well as cross-border sharing but provide mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of data that is shared.
  • Require health data collectors to have privacy policies written in plain language describing their data governance protocols and privacy credentials.
  • The regulations should require data collectors and processors to implement appropriate, timely and effective measures to demonstrate compliance with personal data processing regulations.

Read the Brief here.