NOW OPEN! FIFAfrica24 Call for Session Proposals and Travel Support Applications

Announcement |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) invites interested parties to submit session proposals to the 2024 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica24). Successful submissions will help to shape the agenda of the event, which will gather hundreds of policymakers, regulators, human rights defenders, journalists, academics, private sector players, global information intermediaries, bloggers, and developers.

FIFAfrica24, which is set to take place in Dakar, Senegal on September 25-27, 2024, offers a platform for deliberation on gaps and opportunities for advancing privacy, free expression, inclusion, free flow of information, civic participation, and innovation online. This year marks the first time that the largest gathering on digital rights on the continent will be hosted in Francophone Africa. Previous editions have been hosted in Uganda, South Africa, Ghana, Ethiopia, Zambia and Tanzania.

As part of the registration, we invite session proposals including panel discussions, lightning talks, exhibitions, and skills workshops to shape the FIFAfrica24 agenda.

CIPESA is committed to ensuring diversity of voices, backgrounds and viewpoints in attendance and as organisers and speakers at panels at FIFAfrica. In line with this, there is limited funding to support travel for participation at FIFAfrica24. Preference will be given to applicants who can partially support their attendance and those who organise sessions.

Submissions close at 18.00 (East Africa Time) on June 17, 2024.

Successful session proposals and travel support applicants will be directly notified by July 1, 2024.

For questions, please email [email protected]  

Submit Your Session Proposal and Travel Support Application Here

Submit Your Session Proposal or Travel Support Application to the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2023 (FIFAfrica23)

Announcement |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) invites interested parties to submit session proposals to the 2023 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica23). Successful submissions will help to shape the agenda of the event, which will gather hundreds of policymakers, regulators, human rights defenders, journalists, academics, private sector players, global information intermediaries, bloggers, and developers.

FIFAfrica23, which is set to take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on September 27-29, 2023, offers a platform for deliberation on gaps and opportunities for advancing privacy, free expression, inclusion, free flow of information, civic participation, and innovation online. This year will mark a decade of hosting the landmark event in various African countries, including Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia.

As part of the registration, we invite session proposals including panel discussions, lightning talks, exhibitions, and skills workshops to shape the FIFAfrica23 agenda. 

CIPESA is committed to ensuring diversity of voices, backgrounds and viewpoints in attendance and as organisers and speakers at panels at FIFAfrica. In line with this, there is limited funding to support travel for participation at FIFAfrica23. Preference will be given to applicants who can partially support their attendance and those who organise sessions.

Submissions close at 18.00 (East Africa Time) on July 14, 2023. Successful session proposals and travel support applicants will be directly notified by August 14, 2023.

The session proposal and travel support form can be accessed here.

NOTE: All data collected as part of the registration and session proposal exercise will only be used for purposes of the FIFAfrica event management.   

Follow @cipesaug on Twitter and on the dedicated FIFAfrica website for regular updates on the Forum.

Are Tech Companies Skirting their Responsibilities to Journalists’ Safety?

By CIPESA Writer |

The proliferation of technology has created new opportunities but also threats to journalists and journalism in Africa. Online harassment, criminalisation of aspects of journalism, disinformation and misinformation, surveillance, and trolling, are among the common threats. Often, these threats translate into physical violence, and they are undermining the safety and independence of journalists, and  are leading to the erosion of freedom of expression.

A report by the International Press Institute (IPI) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) on safety of journalists in Africa reveals that media freedom is under assault amidst an increase in attempts to stifle independent media and spiralling attacks on journalists. According to this report, “in a bid to control the public narrative and maintain their hold on power, authoritarian regimes and, in some cases, even democratically elected governments, have been brazenly silencing critical voices and undermining freedom of expression.”

In the lead up to the 10th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists, the UNESCO Section of Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists and the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) organised a dialogue on tech platform responsibilities for safety of journalists in Africa. The last 10 years have witnessed various social, economic and technological processes that have introduced new dimensions to democracy, governance and human rights. The exponential growth of digital technologies, for example, has given rise to new concerns about the use and misuse of digital platforms, as well as the role of internet companies in mediating freedom of expression.

In his address at the dialogue, which was held as part of the ninth edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica22), Guilherme Canela, Chief, Section of Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists at UNESCO, said the evolving digital ecosystem not only offers enormous opportunities for fostering human rights but also increases risks that compromise fundamental rights like freedom of expression. “Journalists are also part of this equation, benefitting a lot from these opportunities but also suffering from the problems of the digital ecosystem including the viability of the news media sector and the online violence against journalism, journalists, and in particular women journalists,” he said. “Our job therefore is to enhance the opportunities to mitigate the risks and to prosecute the harms.” , Zoe Titus, Director at Namibia Media Trust, stated that authoritarian governments  are closing democratic space and targeting journalists, especially their personal integrity, through laws and policies that are against international norms.

But it is not only governments stifling journalists, as politicians and their supporters are unleashing targeted disinformation to undermine the credibility of independent media. For instance, the August 2022 general election in Kenya saw a spike in coordinated attacks against the media and its credibility. “There were fake news websites, and a continuous tug of war between different media and journalists depending on which candidate they supported. They would attack what the journalists were reporting, then attack their media house and finally the individual journalists and link them to a specific candidate,” said Catherine Muya, Programme Officer- Digital, ARTICLE19.

According to Anriette Esterhuysen, of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), with increased use of social media, many journalists are vulnerable “but the attacks take a special streak when directed [at] or targeting women”. The various violations were being compounded because tech companies were not being held sufficiently responsible for the harm perpetrated on their platforms. As a result, the tech companies were not taking swift and adequate measures to tackle content that undermines journalists’ safety.

On the other hand, there are concerns that, in pandering to state expectations and demands, some tech companies are targeting innocent and genuine content under the guise of offending guidelines that govern content on their platforms. “Legitimate content has been rejected on these flimsy grounds,” said Muya, citing results of research conducted by ARTICLE 19 in Kenya as part of the Social media for peace project.

Muya added that content or accounts flagged for alleged offensive messages are temporarily or permanently blocked without notification or due process: “They just summarily do this and escalation or reactivation is hard.” Such account holders need to go through intermediaries like The Oversight Board to seek redress, and reporting to platforms and receiving a response from  them is  tedious, Muya said.

In the circumstances, the role of technology companies in regulating content, protecting journalists and enabling the prosecution of the perpetrators of violations against journalists came under focus at the dialogue. Speakers called for more transparency and consistency in the moderation of content online by tech companies, arguing that the companies could do a lot more in sanitising the internet and in  protecting the safety of journalists.

Tech companies can do more, especially on transparency and in anticipating and mitigating risks to journalists. Accordingly, UNESCO and its partners are developing a risk assessment framework for the safety of journalists, which could have two major components. The first would be identification of the principal risks faced by journalists by type and consequence. The second component could be a risk management strategy which would articulate the appropriate risk controls and mitigations, means of monitoring and methods of reporting such risks.

Further, platforms would need to document these attacks and be more transparent with data about the attacks, and how they were handled. “Documenting and sharing data is crucial, for instance on incidents of harmful content, including attacks on journalists such as by direct abuse and threats or disinformation campaigns, and actions taken,” said Wairagala Wakabi, CIPESA’s Executive Director. He added that it was essential to properly research safety concerns such as  sexualised attacks against journalists, including the extent of the problem and its effects, in order to devise effective remedial measures.

Zambia Ministry of Technology and Science Partners with CIPESA on FIFAfrica22

FIFAfrica 22 |

The Zambia Ministry of Technology and Science has partnered with the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) to co-host the 2022 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica22). The partnership is premised on the Ministry’s mandate to collaborate with industry and the wider private sector actors towards accelerating digital transformation.

“We are delighted to welcome you to Lusaka for the ninth edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica22) from 26th to 29th September 2022. Zambia has embarked on an ambitious journey to transform its economy by leveraging on the benefits of technology, and innovation among others”, said Honourable Felix C. Mutati, MP, Minister of Technology and Science in a statement.

 Honourable Mutati added that the Ministry was working to create an enabling policy and legal environment for multi-stakeholder participation in the process which is buoyed by government’s commitment to:

  1. The implementation of the digital economic transformation agenda which aims to position the republic of Zambia as key for partnerships and investments;
  2. Enhancing the role of science, technology and innovation by, among other things, strengthening partnerships in research, innovation and technology development and adoption such as nuclear and space sciences; and
  3. Enhancing the development of skills for the actualisation of the above.

“You will be amazed at the vast potential that this country possesses. From the energy and enthusiasm of the young innovators to a government that is keen to support multi-stakeholder engagements. At FIFAfrica22, my team and I will be ready to meet with you, deliberate with you and guide you towards opportunities for collaboration and investment in the areas of innovation and internet freedom,” stated the Minister.

Indeed, the decision to host FIFAfrica22 in Zambia was in recognition of the country’s progress in digitalisation and democracy.

“We are honoured to be co-hosting FIFAfrica with the Ministry of Technology and Science. The partnership speaks to the Forum’s success in attracting the support of governments that are keen to understand and engage on their countries’ positions and actions on technology, the digital economy, rights and governance,” said CIPESA’s Executive Director, Dr. Wairagala Wakabi.

FIFAfrica22 will be the third edition of the annual Forum to be hosted in partnership with a government entity. In 2019, the Forum was hosted alongside the Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology while in 2021, CIPESA partnered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Presidency of the Council of European Union 2021 towards promoting Europe-Africa cooperation on digital rights.

Previous editions of the Forum have been co-hosted in various countries and in partnership with global and pan-African digital rights organisations. In 2017 the Forum was co-hosted with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in South Africa, and in 2018 FIFAfrica was hosted alongside the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) in Ghana. In 2020, a hybrid edition was hosted in partnership with Nigeria-based Paradigm Initiative.

Événement en ligne: Échange Régional sur les Indicateurs d’Universalité d’Internet (IUI)

Événement en ligne |

Le 16 Mars 2022, la Collaboration sur la Politique Internationale des TIC pour l’Afrique Orientale et Australe (CIPESA), en partenariat avec l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO), accueillera un dialogue régional sur les Indicateurs d’Universalité d’Internet (IUI). L’événement mettra en évidence les leçons tirées des évaluations de l’IUI menées au Bénin, en Éthiopie, au Ghana, au Kenya, au Niger et au Sénégal en 2021 dans le but de recueillir les meilleures pratiques en matière d’évaluations nationales des médias et des écosystèmes Internet.

L’événement s’appuie sur les efforts de la CIPESA et de l’UNESCO pour sensibiliser à l’intersection de l’accès à l’information et de l’application de l’IUI initiées lors des célébrations de la Journée Mondiale de la Liberté de la Presse en 2018 et du Forum sur la liberté de l’internet en Afrique de la même année dans le cadre des célébrations de la Journée Internationale de l’Accès Universel à l’Information (IDUAI) qui se tiennent chaque 28 Septembre.

Évolution des Indicateurs d’Universalité d’Internet (IUI)

En 2015, la 38e Conférence générale de l’UNESCO a approuvé une nouvelle définition de l’université de l’internet basée sur quatre principes – droits, ouverture, accessibilité à tous et participation multipartite – les principes ROAM. Les quatre principes, sur lesquels repose l’IUI, définissent un cadre d’évaluation des paysages numériques nationaux en vue de promouvoir la croissance et l’évolution de l’internet et la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable.

L’ajout d’indicateurs transversaux en 2018 a abouti au cadre d’indicateurs ROAM-X comprenant 303 indicateurs qui évaluent la mesure dans laquelle les parties prenantes nationales, y compris les gouvernements, les entreprises et la société civile, se conforment aux principes ROAM.

En 2008, le Programme international pour le développement de la communication (PIDC) de l’UNESCO a approuvé les Indicateurs de Développement des Médias (IDM) qui servent à évaluer l’environnement global du développement des médias dans un pays. Un autre cadre d’évaluation du PIDC est les Indicateurs de Sécurité des Journalistes (JSI), qui servent à identifier les mesures prises par les différentes parties prenantes concernées pour promouvoir la sécurité des journalistes et lutter contre l’impunité au niveau national.

Ensemble, l’IUI, le MDI et le JSI sont d’importants outils pour examiner les écosystèmes d’Internet et des médias, mais pour favoriser les collaborations numériques et stratégiques aux niveaux national, régional et international.

Pourquoi les Indicateurs sont Pertinents pour la Communauté de la Gouvernance de l’Internet et les Acteurs en Afrique.

Malgré la diversité croissante des médias et du paysage numérique en Afrique, la pluralité, la neutralité, la sécurité et la liberté d’expression font face à des affronts continus. Le secteur est également aux prises avec des préoccupations concernant la confidentialité des données, l’abordabilité de l’accès à Internet, la modération du contenu et la surveillance, entre autres.

Ces facteurs font en sorte que les médias de plusieurs pays ne sont pas à la hauteur des IMD et des JSI, tandis que les changements régressifs croissants dans l’accès et l’utilisation d’Internet par les citoyens et les médias affectent également la performance des États sur les IUI. Cependant, une évaluation approfondie et structurée peut mieux révéler la mesure dans laquelle les États fonctionnent réellement et permettre de parvenir à une réforme des politiques et des pratiques fondées sur des données probantes.

Voie à Suivre

En accueillant l’échange régional, on espère que davantage d’acteurs susciteront l’intérêt en utilisant les indicateurs pour éclairer le plaidoyer en faveur de la liberté des médias et des droits numériques

Inscrivez-vous au webinaire ici.

Prochains pays d’Intérêt

À la suite du webinaire, des sessions de formation nationales sur les indicateurs seront organisées au Cameroun, en Somalie, en Namibie, au Malawi et en Ouganda. Pour vous impliquer, envoyez un courriel à [email protected].