Fostering Responsible Business Conduct in Uganda’s Digital Age

By Patricia Ainembabazi |

The sixth edition of the Business and Human Rights Symposium in Uganda marked an essential step in Uganda’s journey to foster responsible and rights-respecting business conduct. Hosted on November 4-5, 2024, the symposium brought together over 200 participants from government, the private sector, academia, and civil society. It offered a platform to reflect on Uganda’s advancements in implementing its National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights and to consider newer frameworks such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

As part of the two-day proceedings, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) hosted a panel discussion on the interplay between digital innovation and the protection of human rights, highlighting both successes and challenges in Uganda’s tech ecosystem. The panel discussed the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and how they align with the technology sector.

Source: Business for Social Responsibility  

Highlighting Uganda’s growing technology sector, including increased mobile and internet penetration as well as digitalisation of private and public services, the session also spotlighted pressing concerns, such as internet disruptions, labour rights violations, gender discrimination, and data protection and privacy, which continue to challenge human rights protections in the country’s growing digital economy.

Joel Basoga, Head of Technology Practice at H&G Advocates, stated that ​​it was “essential” for businesses in Uganda to embed respect for human rights as a core performance indicator guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. He added that for a tech-driven business landscape, legal frameworks surrounding digital rights need to be prioritised.

According to Patricia Ainembabazi, a Project Officer at CIPESA, there was limited understanding of business and human rights in the technology sector. Platforms such as the symposium were crucial in building a thematic understanding of digital rights. 

In 2021, Uganda became the first African country to finalise a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAPBHR), based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The plan strengthens the government’s duty to protect human rights, enhances the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, and ensures access to remedies for victims of human rights violations and abuses resulting from non-compliance by business entities.

In October 2024, CIPESA joined the first meeting of the Multi-Sectoral Technical Committee on Business and Human Rights, which supports the Uganda labour ministry’s role of coordinating the National Action Plan and provides technical guidance on all business and human rights interventions. At that meeting, CIPESA made the case for mainstreaming digital rights in the implementation of the action plan and also urged stakeholders to leverage innovative technologies to improve the outcomes of the action plan.

Similar to other countries in Africa, Uganda’s plan does not provide for digital rights protection, yet digital technologies have become central not only to how many businesses operate, but also to how individuals learn, work, socialise, and participate in community affairs. This increased digitalisation has had an impact on the ability of businesses to respect their human rights obligations.

Objectives of Uganda’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
1. To strengthen institutional capacity, operations and coordination efforts of state and non-state actors for the protection and promotion of human rights in businesses;  
2. To promote human rights compliance and accountability by business actors;  
3. To promote social inclusion and rights of the vulnerable and marginalised individuals and groups in business operations;  
4. To promote meaningful and effective participation and respect for consent by relevant stakeholders in business operations; and  
5. To enhance access to remedy to victims of business-related human rights abuses and violations in business operations.

Speakers urged for increased cross-sector collaboration among stakeholders to align national frameworks more closely with the UN Guiding Principles. Opportunities for intervention include a push for robust data protection and privacy protections by the private sector; affordability of the internet and related technologies to ensure access to digital spaces; and raising awareness on digital rights roles and responsibilities for consumers and business owners. The symposium called upon stakeholders such as telecommunication companies, Internet Service Providers (ISP), financial institutions, innovators, and online platform operators to harmonise business goals with digital rights principles.

As part of the implementation of the NAPBHR, CIPESA is part of the newly launched Advancing Respect for Human Rights by Businesses in Uganda project led by Enabel and Uganda’s Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development. The project is part of the European Union’s support towards the implementation of Uganda’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights and focuses on three thematic areas: labour rights in the agricultural sector, natural resource governance and land, and digital rights and internet governance. The project will work with six civil society organisations to drive advocacy, dialogue, and actions that strengthen Uganda’s Business and Human Rights agenda. Additionally, 50 businesses will receive support to implement human rights due diligence aligned with national and international standards.

Explorer le paysage complexe des droits numériques au Sahel : Parole aux défenseurs

Par Simone Toussi |

Les pays de la région sahélienne, tels que le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger, présentent un environnement périlleux pour les défenseurs des droits humains, au moment où des régimes militaires s’enlisent au pouvoir. L’espace numérique, autrefois perçu comme un symbole de liberté d’expression et d’accès à une information plurielle, est progressivement assiégé, les droits à la vie privée, à la liberté d’expression et à l’accès et au partage d’informations y étant de plus en plus restreints.

Si ces pays font face à des problématiques numériques communes à d’autres pays francophones d’Afrique – interruptions d’Internet, surveillance étatique, censure en ligne et instrumentalisation des lois sur la cybersécurité et la désinformation –, le renversement des gouvernements civils par l’armée y a aggravé le niveau d’autoritarisme.

Lors du Forum sur la liberté de l’Internet en Afrique – organisé par la Collaboration sur les Politiques Internationales des TIC pour l’Afrique de l’Est et Australe (CIPESA) et AfricTivistes en septembre 2024 à Dakar, Sénégal – des experts se sont réunis pour discuter des défis croissants et des opportunités en matière de droits numériques dans la région. Le panel a élucidé la position précaire des défenseurs des droits humains et le rôle ambivalent des technologies numériques, qui exacerbent autant qu’elles offrent des solutions à ces défis.

Dans le cadre des efforts de CIPESA pour lutter contre les troubles de l’information en Afrique subsaharienne et équiper les acteurs au plaidoyer pour de lois numériques plus justes, le panel a abordé des questions critiques relatives aux droits numériques ainsi que des problématiques sociales pressantes comme l’inégalité de genre, les conflits armés et la détérioration de la liberté de la presse, tout en examinant le cadre réglementaire émergent y afférent.

Les défenseurs des droits humains au Sahel, notamment les activistes pour les droits des femmes et les journalistes, rencontrent d’immenses difficultés en raison de l’instabilité politique, de la violence armée et des régimes autoritaires, qui imposent de sévères restrictions à la liberté de la presse, à la circulation de l’information et aux activités de la société civile.

Djibril Saidou, de International Media Support (IMS), a souligné que les défis des droits numériques au Sahel vont au-delà de la protection de la liberté d’expression. « Il s’agit de garantir l’accès à l’information sur des questions urgentes comme les droits des femmes et les conflits armés », a-t-il déclaré. Dans ces contextes difficiles, il a affirmé que les efforts d’intervention devraient se concentrer sur la résistance à la censure et le renforcement de la résilience des défenseurs des droits numériques et de la démocratie.

Chantal Nare, blogueuse féministe de Bloggueuses226 et activiste burkinabè, a partagé son expérience de militante pour les droits des femmes dans un environnement aussi fragile. Elle a évoqué la peur constante de représailles et de surveillance, qui entrave l’expression libre, même sur les plateformes numériques. Chantal a soulevé une question cruciale : « Comment les plateformes numériques comme WhatsApp ou les blogs peuvent-elles être utilisées pour protéger et autonomiser les femmes sans les exposer à davantage de risques face aux acteurs étatiques ou extrémistes ? »

Urbain Yameogo, du Centre d’Information et de Formation sur les Droits Humains en Afrique (CIFDHA), a cité l’abus des lois sur la cybercriminalité et le terrorisme pour restreindre la liberté d’expression. « La loi antiterroriste de 2015 au Burkina Faso permettait aux journalistes un certain accès à des informations sensibles liées au terrorisme. Cependant, les révisions du Code pénal en 2019 ont supprimé ces exemptions, exposant les journalistes à des poursuites pour des actes qu’ils exerçaient dans le cadre de leur travail, comme l’accès aux sites liés au terrorisme. Cette modification a créé une zone grise juridique qui rend les journalistes et les défenseurs des droits humains vulnérables à des persécutions. »

Les panélistes ont souligné que les journalistes de la région, rapportant sur des sujets sensibles comme le terrorisme et les violations des droits humains, sont de plus en plus poursuivis sous des lois sur la cybercriminalité, plutôt que sous les lois traditionnelles sur la presse, qui offraient historiquement plus de protection. Ce changement compromet les droits des journalistes à rapporter librement, car les lois sur la cybercriminalité, souvent mal définies, peuvent être interprétées de manière extensive pour réprimer un travail journalistique légitime.

Face au défi de défendre les droits numériques dans un climat de peur des représailles des régimes militaires, certains participants ont souligné la nécessité d’exercer une prudence extrême et d’adopter une approche conciliatrice dans leur travail. Cheikh Fall, de l’organisation régionale des droits humains AfricTivistes, a affirmé : « Parfois, il faut choisir entre la vie et la liberté. Dans les pays du Sahel sous régime militaire, les droits numériques sont éclipsés par le besoin immédiat de survie. Cette réalité souligne que la lutte pour les droits humains fondamentaux est indissociable du combat pour la liberté. »

Des propositions ont été faites pour créer des lois unifiées traitant à la fois des enjeux numériques et médiatiques. Cependant, étant donné les craintes que ces lois puissent renforcer la répression plutôt que protéger les libertés, un dialogue inclusif et des processus politiques participatifs ont été jugés cruciaux. Cela permettrait de garantir une meilleure protection non seulement pour les journalistes et les défenseurs, mais aussi pour les femmes et d’autres groupes vulnérables. À cet égard, Chantal Nare a appelé à une législation englobant les formes de répression physique et numérique.

Outre les réformes juridiques, les panélistes ont également insisté sur la nécessité d’une formation renforcée à la sécurité numérique et d’une collaboration accrue entre les acteurs locaux et internationaux.

CIPESA Commemorates International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI)

Event |

Over the last few years, the media and journalists in Africa have continued to face significant challenges in the execution of their work. While there has been some progress in constitutional guarantees for press freedom, access to information, and freedom of expression on the continent, these have been overshadowed by regressive legislation and actions that hinder the role of the media. Instead, press freedom, not only in Africa but across the world is threatened by the very people who should be its guarantors – political authorities.

In 2022, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) coordinated the inaugural State of Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists in Africa research, which was initiated by UNESCO and supported by media associations and media development organisations from all regions of Africa. Research for the second edition of the report is ongoing.  The report mapped prevailing gaps that undermine the safety of journalists and media freedom in Africa and served to inform strategies for the enhancement of legal and institutional frameworks for implementing the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.

The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI) established in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 68/163 serves to commemorate the memory of killed journalists, highlight the risks that journalists take to do their job, call for accountability for crimes committed against then, and reaffirm commitment to the protection and safety of journalists in the course of doing their work.

This year marks the tenth commemoration of the IDEI which will be hosted at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on November 7,2024. As part of the commemoration, CIPESA, is organising two sessions:

Presentation and Panel on State of Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists in Africa:

November 7, 2024

Caucus Room 27

9.00-11.00 am

The panel will explore preliminary findings of the second edition of the State of Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists report, highlight the current nature and threats to press freedom and journalists’ safety, engage stakeholders on interventions to ensure journalists and media are protected against attacks by state and non-state actors.


Wairagala Wakabi, PhD – CIPESA

Abel Wabela – HaqCheck/Inform Africa

Nancy Angulo – UNESCO

David Omwoyo – Media Council of Kenya.

Rachael Nakitare – International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT)

Digital Security Clinic:

November 6-7, 2024

Lobby D

All day

The helpdesk will allow participants to access new innovative Internet freedom technology, privacy and data protective tools, measures and platforms in order to respond to their emergent digital security concerns, whilst offering immediate support and demos of various digital security tools and advisory on improving individual security and resilience against threats and dangers when working, engaging, socialising and organising online.

The clinic is a longstanding feature at regional and international events including CIPESA’s annual Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica). The model has been replicated at the Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2022 which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, RightsCon 2023 which was held in Costa Rica and various national convenings across the continent.


Brian Byaruganga, CIPESA

These efforts add to CIPESA’s various interventions across Africa aimed at equipping journalists with the necessary skills and tools to navigate the environments they work in safely. These have included interventions on better understanding digital rights, improved fact-checking, addressing disinformation and the threats to media freedom and safety, election reporting and the gendered dynamics of media safety. In addition, CIPESA has been actively providing practical digital security training to equip journalists with the skills they need to protect themselves online as necessary steps in safeguarding against digital threats and ensuring they can continue their work safely.

Navigating the Complex Digital Rights Terrain in the Sahel: Advocates Speak Out

By Simone Toussi |

Countries in the Sahel region, including Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, present a perilous environment for human rights defenders as military regimes entrench themselves in power. The digital space, once considered a beacon of opportunity for free speech and access to pluralistic information, has steadily come under siege, with the rights to privacy, freedom of expression, and the ability to access and share information increasingly being stifled. 

Whereas these countries face the digital rights prevalent in other Francophone African countries, such as internet disruptions, state surveillance, online censorship, and weaponisation of cybersecurity and disinformation laws, the overthrow of civilian governments by the military  in the three countries has deepened the level of authoritarianism. 

At the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa – hosted by the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) and AfricTivistes in September 2024 in Dakar, Senegal, experts gathered to discuss the mounting challenges and opportunities for digital rights in the region. The session highlighted the precarious position of human rights defenders in the region and the role of digital technologies in both exacerbating and addressing these challenges. 

In line  with CIPESA’s work to address the information disorder in Sub-Saharan Africa and equip actors to better advocate for rights-respecting digital laws, the session addressed critical digital rights concerns  as well as pressing social issues such as gender inequality, armed conflict, and the deteriorating press freedom, while examining the regulatory framework emerging in response to these issues. 

Human rights defenders in the Sahel, particularly women’s rights activists and journalists, face immense challenges due to the political instability, armed violence, and authoritarian regimes which have imposed severe restrictions on press freedom, the flow of information, and civil society activities. 

According to Djibril Saidou from International Media Support (IMS), digital rights challenges in the Sahel go beyond protecting free speech. It’s about ensuring access to information on urgent issues like gender rights and armed conflicts,” said Saidou. Given the challenging contexts, he stated that intervention efforts should be focused on resisting censorship and promoting resilience for advocates of digital rights and democracy. 

Chantal Nare, a feminist blogger of Bloggueuses226 and activist from Burkina Faso, shared her experience advocating for women’s rights in such a volatile environment. She highlighted the constant fear of retaliation and surveillance, which stifles free expression, even on digital platforms. Chantal raised a crucial question: “How can digital technologies like WhatsApp or blogs be used to protect and empower women without exposing them to further risk from state or extremist actors?”

Urbain Yameogo from Centre for Information and Training on Human Rights in Africa (CIFDHA) cited the abuse of cybercrime and anti-terrorism laws to curtail freedom of expression. 

The 2015 Anti-Terrorism law in Burkina Faso, initially allowed journalists some latitude to access sensitive information related to terrorism for professional purposes. However, revisions to the Penal Code in 2019 removed these exemptions, exposing journalists to prosecution for acts they would have previously carried out in the course of their work, such as accessing websites linked to terrorism. This change has created a legal grey area where journalists and human rights defenders are left vulnerable to legal persecution.” – Urbain Yameogo, CIFDHA.

Panelists emphasised that journalists in the region who report on sensitive topics such as terrorism and human rights violations are increasingly prosecuted under cybercrime laws rather than traditional press laws, which historically offered more protection for media practitioners. This shift undermines the rights of journalists to report freely, as cybercrime laws are often ill-defined and can be interpreted broadly to suppress legitimate journalistic work.  

Faced with the challenge of defending digital rights in an environment of heightened fear of reprisals from the military regimes, some participants emphasised the need for exercising extreme caution and  taking  a conciliatory approach to their work. 

This was underscored by Cheikh Fall from the regional human rights organisation AfricTivistes: “Sometimes, we must choose between life and freedom. In Sahel countries under military rule, digital rights are overshadowed by the immediate need for survival. This stark reality emphasises that when basic human rights are at stake, the struggle for freedom becomes paramount. It’s essential to recognise that in such situations, the struggle for basic human rights is intertwined with the fight for freedom.” 

Proposals were made to create unified laws addressing both digital and media issues. However, given concerns that such laws could be double-edged, potentially enhancing repression rather than protecting freedoms, inclusive dialogue and participatory policy processes were crucial. This would ensure strengthened protection not only for journalists and advocates, but also women and other vulnerable groups.  In this regard, Nare called for legislation that encompasses both physical and digital forms of repression. 

Beyond the legal reforms, the panelists also emphasised the need for increased digital security training and stronger collaboration between local and international actors.

ACHPR 81st Ordinary Session: CIPESA and Partners Host Dialogue on Advocacy Against Internet Shutdowns

By Patricia Ainembabzi |

At the 81st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) held in Banjul on October 17-November 6, 2024, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), and the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) hosted a side event centered on technology and electoral democracy in Africa. While drawing impetus from various experts, discussions delved into the impact of internet shutdowns on freedom of expression, access to information, business transactions, and exclusion of vulnerable communities across the African continent. This is despite the growing role of technology as an enabler of democratic participation and increased transparency and accountability.

In March 2024, the ACHPR adopted Resolution 580, urging African states to refrain from imposing internet shutdowns, particularly during electoral periods. Eight months on, the resolution is yet to gain traction. Over 100 shutdowns have been documented in Africa since 2019, reflecting a worrying escalation in digital rights abuses. The cumulative effect of these shutdowns includes suppression of political discourse, economic losses, and an erosion of public trust in government institutions, ultimately infringing on fundamental rights to free and fair participation in the digital age.

“37% of Africa’s population has experienced internet disruptions in recent years”, Florence Nakazibwe, ICNL.

Thobekile Matimbe of Paradigm Initiative, stated that national security as the rationale for internet shutdowns was disproportionate and Courts including at the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) had rejected the security argument in favour of protecting digital rights. Acknowledging disinformation as a growing threat on the continent and one of the common themes in the national security justifications, Matimbe recommended targeted policies that balance free expression and countering disinformation alongside digital literacy programmes towards strengthening public trust and promoting access to information during electoral periods.

According to Grace Wangenchi from the  Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU) internet shutdowns also have social impacts. Citing the example of heightened risks and isolations for victims of violence who rely on online resources for support, Wangechi called on interventions pushing back against shutdowns to be centred around the unique needs of vulnerable and marginalised communities.

Martin Mavenjina from the Kenya Human Rights Commission, added that documenting the social impact of internet shutdowns through case studies could support strategic litigation against shutdowns. He noted precedent set by the ECOWAS Court in cases from Togo, Guinea and Nigeria, Mavenjina called for advocacy efforts to ensure rulings “led to meaningful change”. 

Other avenues for pushing back against shutdowns put forward included the development of toolkits for civil society, that are anchored in ACHPR resolutions and continued research and documentation to inform engagements with policymakers, regulators, and internet service providers. Where opportunities were available, advocates were also called upon to inform consultations and calls for input by national task forces on elections.

Discussions also featured unpacking the newly developed toolkit to support the monitoring, documentation, and reporting on digital rights violations such as internet shutdowns by National Human Rights Institutes (NHRIs). The side-event builds on CIPESA and partners’ efforts to prioritise and spotlight digital rights issues as part of ACHPRs proceedings.