NOW OPEN! FIFAfrica24 Call for Session Proposals and Travel Support Applications

Announcement |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) invites interested parties to submit session proposals to the 2024 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica24). Successful submissions will help to shape the agenda of the event, which will gather hundreds of policymakers, regulators, human rights defenders, journalists, academics, private sector players, global information intermediaries, bloggers, and developers.

FIFAfrica24, which is set to take place in Dakar, Senegal on September 25-27, 2024, offers a platform for deliberation on gaps and opportunities for advancing privacy, free expression, inclusion, free flow of information, civic participation, and innovation online. This year marks the first time that the largest gathering on digital rights on the continent will be hosted in Francophone Africa. Previous editions have been hosted in Uganda, South Africa, Ghana, Ethiopia, Zambia and Tanzania.

As part of the registration, we invite session proposals including panel discussions, lightning talks, exhibitions, and skills workshops to shape the FIFAfrica24 agenda.

CIPESA is committed to ensuring diversity of voices, backgrounds and viewpoints in attendance and as organisers and speakers at panels at FIFAfrica. In line with this, there is limited funding to support travel for participation at FIFAfrica24. Preference will be given to applicants who can partially support their attendance and those who organise sessions.

Submissions close at 18.00 (East Africa Time) on June 17, 2024.

Successful session proposals and travel support applicants will be directly notified by July 1, 2024.

For questions, please email [email protected]  

Submit Your Session Proposal and Travel Support Application Here

Report Documents A Decade of Internet Freedom in Africa

Announement | The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) is proud to announce the launch of its 2023 edition of the State of Internet Freedom in Africa report titled, ‘A Decade of Internet Freedom in Africa: Recounting the Past, Shaping the Future of Internet Freedom in Africa’. This year marks a decade since the first State of Internet Freedom in Africa report was produced. Similarly, it marks a decade of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) which has since 2014 served as the platform for the launch of every State of Internet Freedom in Africa report. 

This special edition honours the efforts of various state and non-state actors in the promotion of internet freedom in Africa. The report takes a deep dive into the dynamic landscape of internet freedom on the African continent and offers contextual information and evidence to inform ICT policymaking and practice, creates awareness on internet freedom issues on the continent, and shapes conversations by digital rights actors across the continent. 

Through a series of essays, authors in this special issue of the report reflect on the past 10 years on the state of Internet freedom in Africa, exploring various thematic issues around digital rights, including surveillance, privacy, censorship, disinformation, infrastructure, access, advocacy, online safety, internet shutdowns, among others. Authors featured in the report include, Admire Mare, Amanda Manyame, Blaise Pascal Andzongo Menyeng, Rima Rouibi, Victor Kapiyo, Felicia Anthonio. Richard Ngamita, Nanjala Nyabola, Professor Bitange Ndemo, Paul Kimumwe, and Edrine Wanyama.

The report maps the way ahead for digital rights in Africa and the role that different stakeholders need to play to realise the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa and Declaration 15 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on leveraging digital technologies to accelerate human progress, bridge the digital divide, and develop knowledge societies.

The report was unveiled at the closing ceremony of the FIFAfrica which this year was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 
Find the full report here.

Inscrivez-vous au Forum sur la liberté d’Internet en Afrique (#FIFAfrica23) !

Par FIFAfrica |

Êtes-vous passionné par la liberté d’Internet et les droits numériques en Afrique ? Souhaitez-vous rejoindre et vous engager avec la communauté qui fait avancer les droits numériques en Afrique ? Inscrivez-vous pour participer à l’édition 2023 du Forum sur la liberté d’Internet en Afrique (FIFAfrica23), et rejoignez une communauté de diverses parties prenantes de tout le continent et d’ailleurs, pour débattre des questions les plus urgentes et des opportunités pour améliorer les libertés en ligne. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes pour une participation en présentiel ou à distance !

FIFAfrica23 se tiendra à Dar es Salam, en Tanzanie, les 26 et 27 septembre (pré-événements uniquement sur invitation) et les 28 et 29 septembre (conférence principale) 2023. L’événement est organisé par la Collaboration sur la politique internationale des TIC pour l’Afrique de l’Est et australe (CIPESA), en partenariat avec le ministère tanzanien de l’information, des communications et des technologies de l’information. L’événement aura lieu au Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam.

Le Forum marquera une décennie de rassemblement de décideurs politiques, de régulateurs, de défenseurs des droits de l’homme, d’universitaires, de représentants de la loi, de médias et d’autres acteurs pour discuter des lacunes, des préoccupations et des possibilités de promotion de la vie privée, de la libre d’expression, de la non-discrimination, de la libre circulation de l’information et de l’innovation en ligne.

Le programme de FIFAfrica23 comprend 10 thèmes sur une diversité de sujets émergeant des soumissions retenues dans le cadre d’un récent appel à sessions.  Ces thèmes comprennent des panels, des présentations, des conférences éclair, des discours liminaires et des ateliers méticuleusement sélectionnés, à travers lesquels les participants au Forum pourront sonder le paysage des droits numériques et de la liberté de l’internet en Afrique, ainsi que les interventions collaboratives pour relever les défis et exploiter les opportunités d’un internet plus ouvert et plus inclusif en Afrique.

Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici et prendre note du Code de Conduite de l’événement et de la Note de voyage qui comprend des informations logistiques.

Ne manquez pas l’occasion de participer à cet événement historique et de contribuer à faire progresser la liberté de l’internet en Afrique !

Ne manquez pas de suivre @cipesaug sur les médias sociaux et de participer à la conversation en ligne en utilisant les hashtags #FIFAfrica23 #InternetFreedomAfrica.

Register for the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (#FIFAfrica23)!

By FIFAfrica |

Are you passionate about internet freedom and digital rights in Africa? Do you want to engage with and join the community advancing digital rights in Africa? Register to attend the upcoming 2023 edition of the  Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica23) and join a diverse community of stakeholders from across the continent and beyond to deliberate on the most pressing issues and opportunities for advancing online freedom. Registration is open for both in-person and remote attendance! 

FIFAfrica23 will take place in Dar es Salam, Tanzania on September 26-27 (pre-events by invitation only) and September 28-29 (main conference), 2023, hosted by the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) in partnership with the Tanzanian Ministry of Information, Communications and Information Technology. The event will take place at the Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam.

The Forum will mark a decade of bringing together policy makers, regulators, human rights defenders, academia, law enforcement representatives, media, and other actors to deliberate on gaps, concerns and opportunities for promoting privacy, free expression, non-discrimination, free flow of information and innovation online.

The FIFAfrica23 agenda will feature 10 tracks on a diversity of topics emerging from successful submissions to a recent open call for sessions.  The tracks include carefully curated panels, presentations, lightning talks, keynote addresses and workshops, through which participants at the Forum will have the opportunity to delve into the deeper layers of the digital rights and internet freedom landscape in Africa and collaborative interventions to address the challenges and harness the opportunities of a more open and inclusive internet in Africa.

You can register here and also take note of the event Code of Conduct and Travel note which includes logistical information.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of this landmark event and contribute to advancing internet freedom in Africa!

Be sure to follow @cipesaug on social media and join the online conversation using the hashtags #FIFAfrica23 #InternetFreedomAfrica.

Submit Your Session Proposal or Travel Support Application to the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2023 (FIFAfrica23)

Announcement |

The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) invites interested parties to submit session proposals to the 2023 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica23). Successful submissions will help to shape the agenda of the event, which will gather hundreds of policymakers, regulators, human rights defenders, journalists, academics, private sector players, global information intermediaries, bloggers, and developers.

FIFAfrica23, which is set to take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on September 27-29, 2023, offers a platform for deliberation on gaps and opportunities for advancing privacy, free expression, inclusion, free flow of information, civic participation, and innovation online. This year will mark a decade of hosting the landmark event in various African countries, including Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia.

As part of the registration, we invite session proposals including panel discussions, lightning talks, exhibitions, and skills workshops to shape the FIFAfrica23 agenda. 

CIPESA is committed to ensuring diversity of voices, backgrounds and viewpoints in attendance and as organisers and speakers at panels at FIFAfrica. In line with this, there is limited funding to support travel for participation at FIFAfrica23. Preference will be given to applicants who can partially support their attendance and those who organise sessions.

Submissions close at 18.00 (East Africa Time) on July 14, 2023. Successful session proposals and travel support applicants will be directly notified by August 14, 2023.

The session proposal and travel support form can be accessed here.

NOTE: All data collected as part of the registration and session proposal exercise will only be used for purposes of the FIFAfrica event management.   

Follow @cipesaug on Twitter and on the dedicated FIFAfrica website for regular updates on the Forum.