Promoting Effective and Inclusive ICT Policy in Africa

Joint CSO Letter to United Nations and African Commission Special Rapporteurs on the arrest and detention of Tanzanian Human Rights Defender Tito Elia Magoti

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The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has joined 27 other organisations in submitting a public letter to the United Nations and African Commission Special Rapporteurs in the case of  the arrest of Tanzanian  human rights defender Tito Magoti.

The joint letter requests that the respective offices urgently intervene in the cases of human rights defenders and journalists in Tanzania, who are facing criminal prosecution for exercising their fundamental rights and urge the government to immediately drop these charges. It further urges that the state be reminded to ensure that all citizens, from the moment of their arrest for any crime, are afforded the full due process of the law without derogation.

See the letter here.