nashilongo-gervasius-senior-broadcast-journalistNashilongo is a senior broadcast Journalist in Namibia with the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation where she is currently serves in an  Assistant Executive Producer/Assistant Editor of the Television Current Affairs Department. In addition to serving on the Curriculum Board of the Namibia University of Science and Technology’s department of Media and Technology.  This department is one of UNESCO’s 20 Schools of Excellence in Journalism in Africa, championing and mainstreaming Gender in their curricula.
She is passionate about issues of Governance, ICT, Development, HIV, Media and Women. As such, these are fields that she currently researches with International Research Organisations such as the Global Integrity and Transparency International, and previously the Web Index.
She graduated with an Honours Degree in Journalism in Communication Technology in 2009 from NUST and boasts a number of academic scholarships/fellowships awards from institutions, as well as recognition from Media Institute of Southern Africa. Nashilongo  is in the final stretch of her Master’s in Leadership Development in ICT in the Knowledge Society with the University of Mauritius. She is also a wife and mother.

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