FIFAfrica24 |

The Localization Lab is hosting a Sprint at the 2024 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica24). The Sprint will explore Tips, Tools, and How-tos for Safer Online Communications (Surveillance Self-Defence Guides) developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation to raise awareness around ways to stay safe online on a day to day basis. The main focus will be on providing digital security guides in local languages that enhance the knowledge of everyday users who use the internet on how to protect themselves adequately while online. 
An integral part of this event will also be providing useful feedback for the resources that are localized as well as discussing outreach strategies to promote the use of these resources once they are localized.

When: September 25, 2023

Where: Radisson Blu Hotel, Dakar Sea Plaza, Route de la Corniche Ouest, Dakar, BP 16868, Senegal

Room: Mermoz II

Time: 8:30-17.00

If you are interested in participating in the #FIFAfrica24 Localization Sprint, please fill out the SPRINT APPLICATION AND PRE-EVENT SURVEY

*Participants are required to be fluent in English/ French and their local language to participate.

Please note that this event is open to any individuals who are passionate about making technology accessible to their communities. While technical background plays a key role in localization, it is not a requirement. Individuals from diverse professional backgrounds are encouraged to register to add important perspectives to discussions and localization work.

Please confirm your attendance by way of email to Chido Musodza at chido[at]localizationlab dot org.

What is Localization Lab?

Localization Lab is a network of approximately 7,000 individuals who promote Internet freedom worldwide by adapting digital security and circumvention resources for the communities that need them. Even though access to technology and the Internet are steadily increasing worldwide, we are faced with a problem of language bias which heavily favors English as the language of technology and Internet content. As more and more individuals around the globe enter the digital world, our goal as a community is to ensure they can also access the tools to ensure their digital security and open access to the Internet.

Along with a host of other tools and resources supported by the Localization Lab community, you can browse a list of the Lab’s projects on their website and Transifex.

What is a Localization Sprint?

A Localization Sprint is a fun, collaborative event that brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to localize (translate and adapt) technology and/or resources for their communities. Localization Sprints often integrate localization with digital security training, tool demos, technical terminology development, and formulating an outreach strategy. In this way, participants leave the event with a localized technology, an in-depth understanding of it, and the tools for continuing localization efforts and promoting localized tools and resources in their communities.