Bridging Cyber Security Gaps: The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization Trains SMEs in Uganda

By Edrine Wanyama |

Uganda’s Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector is credited with contributing 20% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2016. While the level of adoption of technology as a key component of operations within the sector remains unclear, its effective utilisation requires entities to also embrace safety and security measures as a priority.

Identifying security controls to defend against cyber threats and data protection thus formed the basis of discussions at a cyber standards training workshop for SMEs in Uganda. Organised by the National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) in collaboration with the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO), the workshop, held in Kampala, Uganda on August 23-24,2017 targeted SME entrepreneurs, banking industry officials as well as ICT sector representatives from non-government organisations and other ICT stakeholders.

The workshop explored the Information Assurance for Small Information Assurance for Small to Medium Enterprises (IASME) which encourages SME’s to comply with international information security management standards.

Currently, possible cyber risks include; theft of data for monetary gain or competition by criminals, hacking, physical insecurity to staff and office equipment, malware attacks, insecure configuration, updating software from unreliable sources, access control and spam.

Discussions on information security are abound in Uganda as the Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015 makes slow progress in Parliament while laws like the Computer Misuse Act, 2011, the Electronics Signatures Act, 2011 and the Electronic Transactions Act, 2011 do not fully address the issue of data protection and privacy.

According to a 2016 report based on a global survey of cybersecurity managers and practitioners, cyber security and information security is considered a technical issue rather than a business imperative.  The findings of this study echo sentiment held by civil society orgnaisations which face similar digital security threats including increasingly sophisticated threats and rate of incidents.

In order to be better positioned to address cyber threats, civil society and SME need to be equipped with skills encompassing both online and offline responses. These include know how on policy and compliance, physical environmental protection, risk assessment, access controls, incident management, monitoring, backup, malware identification and technical intrusions.

Through a cyber essentials course and practical exercises, participants at the workshop were equipped with basic skills for enabling non-technical users to establish five information security controls including malware protection, access control, patch management, secure configuration, boundary firewalls and internet gateways.

As a follow-up to the exercise, selected participants will undergo further training for possible contracting as IASME information security assessors for SME’s.

CTO’s international events and seminars are conducted in all countries of the Commonwealth, across the continents of Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific region. Specifically, in Africa, the events have been held in Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Swaziland and Uganda.

In the meantime, the Ministry of ICT & National Guidance on August 20, 2017 held an Awareness Workshop on Cyber Laws such as the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995, National Information Technology Authority, Uganda Communications Act 2013, Electronic Signatures Act, Computer Misuse Act, Registration of Persons Act, Electronic Transactions Act, Electronic Transaction Regulations 2013, Electronic Signatures Regulations 2013, Open Data Policy, 2017, ICT for Disability Policy Draft and the Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015, to sensitize member of the public, private sector, academia, government officials and other stakeholders on information security threats and how to best combat them. The work shop put emphasis on the need to know, learn and understand existing and upcoming laws, policies and guidelines that regulate cyber security and how they can be best applied.


Uganda On the Right Path Towards Realising Open eGovernance

By Lilian Nalwoga |
The Uganda government has identified Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as one of the key drivers of socio-economic transformation in the country. This is evidenced in its presence as a priority in national development frameworks such as Vision 2040 and the National Development Plan II (NDP II) which spans from 2015 to 2020.
Extension of the National Broadband Infrastructure (NBI) which to date has connected a total of 133 Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) sites out of which 94 are currently utilising internet delivered over the NBI. Further the NBP II also prioritises the construction of incubation hubs and ICT parks.
These frameworks have recently been measured for the level of governmental openness they enable. Open e-Governance is measured in terms of the ability of the different actors in the internet access eco-system , including governments, business and civil society, to participate in decision-making processes  through the use of information and communication technologies.
In March 2017, CIPESA conducted a study into the State of Open eGovernance in Uganda. The study forms part of the Open e-Governance Index (OeGI), an action-research project implemented by the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) `that aims to measure the state of ‘openness’ in the implementation of ‘e-governance’ around the world.
The OeGI index comprises four key  dimensions which are measured for different qualities with the highest score being 1 a dimension can score. The study revealed that the dimension Uganda scored highest in was  digital inclusion at 1.00 and scored lowest in the dimensions on meshed eGovernment, eParticipation channels and ICT empowered civil society respectively.
Dimension and Country Index Scores

Dimension Description COL IND PAK PHI UGA Average
Meshed eGovernment The ability of governments to provide citizen centric online services. 0.92 0.54 0.38 0.72 0.35 0.58
eParticipation new, digital medium for public participation 0.51 0.82 0.32 0.65 0.36 0.53
Digital Inclusion Presence of policies and programs that support the public’s wider use of ICT 0.83 0.50 1.00 0.33 1.00 0.73
ICT empowered civil society ICT readiness and utilisation CSOs and other non-State organisations such as political parties and people’s organisations. 0.63 0.54 0.71 0.75 0.39 0.60
Enabling / constraining environment Extent that the government recognizes and fosters the right to freedom of expression, right over personal communication, cultural freedom and the use of local languages government’s ability to place its public functions online, which comprises many aspects of ICT enablement. 0.81 0.78 0.63 0.63 0.78 0.73
Average   0.74 0.64 0.61 0.62 0.58 0.64

In terms of  Meshed eGovernment, Colombia scored the highest at 0.92, followed by the Philippines at 0.72, Indonesia at 0.54, Pakistan at 0.38 and Uganda at 0.35. In the eParticipation channel dimension, Indonesia had the highest score at 0.82, followed by the Philippines at 0.63, Colombia at 0.51, Uganda at 0.36 and Pakistan at 0.32.
Pakistan and Uganda scored 1.00 in the Digital Inclusion dimension, followed by Colombia at 0.83, then Indonesia at 0.50, and the Philippines at 0.33. In the ICT empowered civil society dimension, the Philippines scored the highest at 0.75, followed by Pakistan at 0.71, Colombia at 0.63, Indonesia at 0.54 and Uganda at 0.39. In the Enabling/Constraining Environment dimension, Colombia scored the highest at 0.81, followed by Indonesia and Uganda both at 0.78, then Pakistan and the Philippines both with a score of 0.63.
Uganda’s highest score in Digital Inclusion reflects the presence of universal access and literacy policies in place, such as the National ICT Policy 2014, Rural Communications Development Fund Policy 2001 and draft broadband strategy although adoption and implementation is still challenge.
Despite, having the lowest average index score of 0.58 out of 1, the study indicates that Uganda is moving towards the right path to implementing eGovernance. This includes a growing number of e- services being offered by public agencies such as e-filling for taxes, presence of enabling laws and policies, some of which are positive for citizen participation, free expression and open governance and a growing use of ICT by both governments and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).
Nonetheless, slow uptake and uncoordinated implementation of eGovernance across government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) is still hampering its full adoption. Thus, more commitment towards adoption of policies especially those focusing on promoting open data, open standards and privacy and data protection is needed.
Full findings of the study can be found here.

Update: Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa 2017

FIFAfrica17 |
The Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) 2017 is now just a few weeks away and indeed, we are working to ensure the delivery of an insightful, engaging Forum. As such, below are some updates and key information to facilitate your planning and participation at the Forum.
The Forum will be hosted at Sunnyside Park Hotel, located on Princess of Wales Terrace & Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Registration and travel support
Thank you for indicating interest to attend the Forum. We are really excited about the diversity and profile of those expected to be in attendance. The deadline for applications for travel support was August 30, 2017 and we received over 200 applications for travel support to participate at FIFAfrica. Review of applications for travel support is ongoing and successful applicants are being contacted directly on a rolling basis. All successful travel support applicants will have received direct communication by September 8, 2017.
Travel Advisory
A travel note is available to enable planning for your attendance of the Forum. For self sponsored participants that require a visa letter, please email [email protected] and copy [email protected].
Session Proposals
We have received many insightful session proposals! Thank you for the numerous submissions. The session review committee worked meticulously to go through each and every submission made and as such, finalisation took slightly longer than anticipated, our apologies for the delay. Below are the successful proposals that have been integrated into the agenda. Please note that some session proposers have been shortlisted as panelists on different sessions after each of their proposals was found to be in resonance with the FIFAfrica themes and integrated into the session that made it to the agenda. We will be reaching out to those individuals directly and also sharing the working draft of the agenda in coming days.
Successful Panel Discussion Submissions
Catalysts for collaboration in strategic digital rights litigation – Nani Jansen Reventlow, Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School
Innovation and Security in Somali Territories – Nicole Stremlau, University of Johannesburg/University of Oxford
Elections and Technology –  Arthur Gwagwa and Moses Karanja, CIPIT (Kenya)
Freedom Online Coalition Meeting – US Department of State and Global Partners Digital (GDP)
Advancing a gender-sensitive approach to ICT Policy and decision making – Moses Owiny, Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
Building research capacity in internet measurements, cyber policy and digital rights – Chenai Chair, Research ICT Africa and Amreesh Phokeer Afrinic
Women’s safety online – Twasiima Patricia, Chapter Four (Uganda) and Betty Abah, CEE-Hope (Nigeria)
Privacy & Freedom of Expression – the Dilemma – Mariam Shinn, Parliament of South Africa & Ministry of Telecommunications and Postal Services and Michael Ilishebo, Zambia Police Service
The Politics of Technology in Africa – Iginio Gagliardone, Wits University (South Africa)
Digital Security Clinic – Access Now and Defend Defenders
Risk Assessment for CSOs – Access Now and Defend Defenders
Keep up with #KeepItOn – AccessNow
Successful Lightning talks
Sex and Sexuality Online in Africa – Koliwe Majama (Zimbabwe)
Internet in a fragile context: the case of Somalia – Abdi Hakim (Somalia)
Free wifi in Africa: philanthropic technology or cynical marketing ploy? – Affagnon Qemal (Benin)
Grassroots communities, youth and internet freedom – Thomas Sithole (Zimbabwe)
Improving the privacy and security of journalists, and activists in DR Congo – Narcisse Mbunzama (DR Congo)
Data Visualisation – Berhan Taye (Ethiopia)
FIFAfrica17 Pre-events
In the lead up the forum we have a series of events taking place by invitation and by registration. Follow the links below to read more about the pre-events and to confirm attendance. Please note that due to their time slots, it will not be possible to attend both events.
#FIFAfrica17 Pre-Event: Human Rights Review Mechanisms Workshop
Background: Do you want to build an understanding of the value of using human rights mechanisms? Do you want build the skills necessary and to learn how to use these mechanisms to hold states and other actors accountable for upholding human rights? Join this whole day workshop hosted by the Association of Progressive Communications (APC), the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa, and Small Media which will aim to broaden the network of players upholding human rights across Africa.
#FIFAfrica17 Pre-Event: Strategic Digital Rights Litigation Training Workshop
Background: Litigation is an effective tool that can assist in removing restrictions on the free flow of information online in countries with repressive internet regimes. Yet, it is often under-utilized because of a lack of effective collaboration between different actors: lawyers, activists, academics and technical experts. This workshop, hosted by the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School and Media Legal Defense Initiative (MLDI)  seeks to encourage internet activists to collaborate across disciplinary silos to more effectively push back against legal frameworks that are not conducive to a free and open internet.
#FIFAfrica17 Pre-Event: Digital Tools Localisation Sprint
Background: As more Africans come online, many local languages remain offline – particularly those which communicate information about digital security tools and applications. Join this workshop which will explore the use of local languages in the area of digital security. A key output will be the establishment of a technical glossary by language. The workshop will be hosted by the Localisation Lab.
Stay tuned for more updates and please continue sharing your thoughts on internet freedom using the #InternetFreedomAfrica hashtag. The event hashtag will be #FIFAfrica17.

Bridging Cyber Security Gaps: SMEs Trained in Uganda

By Edrine Wanyama |
Uganda’s Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector is credited with contributing 20% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2016. While the level of adoption of technology as a key component of operations within the sector remains unclear, its effective utilisation requires entities to also embrace safety and security measures as a priority.
Identifying security controls to defend against cyber threats and data protection thus formed the basis of discussions at a cyber standards training workshop for SMEs in Uganda. Organised by the National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) in collaboration with the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO), the workshop, held in Kampala, Uganda on August 23-24,2017 targeted SME entrepreneurs, banking industry officials as well as ICT sector representatives from non-government organisations and other ICT stakeholders.
The workshop explored the Information Assurance for Small Information Assurance for Small to Medium Enterprises (IASME) which encourages SME’s to comply with international information security management standards
Possible risks include; theft of data for monetary gain or competition by criminals, hacking, physical insecurity to staff and office equipment, malware attacks, insecure configuration, updating software from unreliable sources, access control and spam.
Discussions on information security are abound in Uganda as the Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015 makes slow progress in Parliament while laws like the Computer Misuse Act, 2011, The Electronics Signatures Act, 2011 and the Electronic Transactions Act, 2011 do not fully address the issue of data protection and privacy.
According to a 2016 report based on a global survey of cybersecurity managers and practitioners, cyber security and information security is considered a technical issue rather than a business imperative.  The findings of this study echo sentiments held by civil society organisations which face similar digital security threats including increasingly sophisticated threats and rate of incidents according research conducted by the Collaboration for International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA). It revealed that various CSOs were concerned about, or had been victims of hacking attempts on their email accounts and internal networks, that they had been targeted by phishing emails, and that they feared their activities were being surveilled by authorities
In order to be better positioned to address cyber threats, civil society and SME need to be equipped with skills encompassing both online and offline responses. These include knowhow on policy and compliance, physical environmental protection, risk assessment, access controls, incident management, monitoring, backup, malware identification and technical intrusions.
Through a cyber essentials course and practical exercises, participants at the workshop were equipped with basic skills for enabling non-technical users to establish five information security controls including malware protection, access control, patch management, secure configuration, boundary firewalls and internet gateways.
As a follow-up to the exercise, selected participants will undergo further training for possible contracting as IASME information security assessors for SME’s. CTO’s international events and seminars are conducted in all countries of the Commonwealth, across the continents of Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific region. Specifically, in Africa, the events have been held in Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Swaziland and Uganda.

Universal Periodic Review: Civic Groups Urge Burundi to Respect Free Expression

By Edrine Wanyama and Kesa Pharatlhatlhe |
The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) alongside Article 19, the East Africa Law Society, the Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) and DefendDefenders have called for repeal of Burundi’s Penal Code and the 2015 Press Law to address provisions that undermine freedom of expression. In a submission to the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Burundi to be considered in January 2018, the five organisations highlighted the worsening situation for freedom of expression and association in Burundi since its last UPR in 2013.
The organisations stress the need for the Burundi government to reopen closed radio stations, create an enabling environment for media freedom, and refrain from attacks against journalists and critics. Additionally, the submission called for the establishment of an independent body to conduct thorough investigations into crimes of violence against journalists and opposition leaders.
The UPR submission covers the legal and regulatory framework on freedom of expression, including restrictions on press freedom, restrictions on freedom of assembly and association as well as freedom of information online and offline in the East African country.
Despite recommendations made to Burundi in the second cycle of the UPR to ensure that these rights are upheld in line with international standards, it continues to maintain a repressive regime. The government has enacted draconian legislation and severely curtailed citizens’ fundamental human rights and basic freedoms.
Article 31 of the country’s constitution guarantees the protection of freedom of expression but it has been undermined by the government’s restrictions on the media, failure to reform existing laws that violate freedom of expression such as the Penal Code Act, and the enactment of laws such as the 2015 Press Law that do not conform to international human rights standards.
In its second review, Burundi received numerous recommendations to safeguard journalists against violence and harassment and to guarantee that journalists and human rights defenders have the freedom to carry out their work independently and without fear of persecution, prosecution or intimidation. However, the country has failed to implement these recommendations. The situation is by the lack of an independent judiciary and law enforcement authorities that condone violations of these rights.
In the latest submission, it is highlighted that the media regulatory body – the National Communications Council (Conseil National de la Communication) lacks independence from the executive and wields broad powers to regulate all media. Additionally, access to information is limited due to the absence of an access to information law..
The submission notes continued efforts to control and limit the online flow of information. It cites cases of government-initiated internet blockages and the arrests of social media users. Further, the introduction of mandatory SIM card registration leaves user information vulnerable to abuse in the absence of a data privacy and protection law.
The report notes that there remain restrictions to freedom of assembly and association including limiting opportunities to demonstrate against the ruling party. Towards the end of 2013, Burundi enacted Law 1/28 to, regulate public demonstrations and assemblies, which contravenes the country’s ’s constitutional guarantees under Article 19 and 32.
The report also notes that the Burundi government has failed to fully implement freedom of assembly and association as outlined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which it is party.
The submission thus echoes recommendations made in the previous UPR round in 2013 and calls for legal reform in the areas of press freedom, freedom of expression and access to information. Additionally, the submission urges Burundi to refrain from blocking access to social media platforms and to repeal legislation on SIM card registration which violates privacy and freedom of expression.
Echoing the 2013 submission, there is also a call for private media establishments shut down by the government to be reopened. The submission also calls for the immediate release of journalists who are in detention and an end to the harassment and persecution of journalists and human rights defenders. This is in the wake of the 2016 indefinite suspension of operating permits of five civil society organisations and five media organisations, including the Burundi Union of Journalists. Additionally, the submission calls for an independent body to regulate the communications sector, in accordance with international and regional freedom of expression standards.
The report calls for the enactment of a right to information law so as to enhance transparency and accountability in governance.
Read the full submission here.