Official Submission |
Article 27 of Uganda’s constitution provides for citizens’ right to privacy, however, there is no law to protect an individual’s data privacy despite the large amounts of citizen data collected by government departments and private entities on a regular basis. More concerning, is that this data is collected with no guarantee of its protection and privacy.
Some existing legislation, for instance the Computer Misuse Act, 2011 (section 18); Access to Information Act, 2005 (section 26); Uganda Communications Act, 2013 (section 79); Electronic Signatures Act, 2011 (section 81); and the Regulation of Interception of Communications Act, 2010 (section 2) prohibit unauthorised access and disclosure of information. However, the provisions in these laws are not elaborate and do not adequately protect personal data.
The publication of the draft Data Protection and Privacy Bill 2014 was therefore a milestone. Accordingly, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) submitted comments to that version of the bill. Various concerns were raised including vague wording which left the bill open to misinterpretation, unclear procedural processes for collection and retention, as well as the costs associated with accessing personal data.
More recently on , CIPESA welcomes the Parliament of Uganda’s call for submissions on the Draft Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015. It once again gives opportunity for stakeholders to provide input to ensure that the law, when enacted, measures up to internationally acceptable standards of data protection.
In our latest submission, we highlight some of the positive principles and provisions of the Bill. Furthermore, we indicate areas of concern and suggest amendments to ensure that if the bill is passed into law, there are sufficient safeguards to regulate the collection, storage and use of data towards upholding citizens’ right to privacy.
See the full submission made on the Uganda Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015 presented to the Committee on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda

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