By Evelyn Lirri | The story of a 19-year-old student from Kenya who co...
As part of its OpenNet Africa initiative which is aimed at promoting i...
In our research series this month, we review government and non-govern...
Angela Kilusungu | Culture and Development East Africa (CDEA) Zawadi...
By Gasirigwa G.S | As the 25 October general election draws closer in...
By Ashnah Kalemera | The push for open data that contributes to govern...
By Wairagala Wakabi | Tanzania has introduced tough guidelines for bro...
The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Af...
By Marilyn Vernon & Liz Orembo | Threats to citizens’ access to...
By CIPESA Staff | As Uganda draws closer to the February 2016 presiden...
By Aroob Syedah Iqbal | IBM, the American multinational technology and...
By Catherine Kamatu | Joseph Kitaka, a resident of Yatta in Machakos C...