Taking it to the Summit: AFRINIC and AfNOG to host the 1st Africa Inte...
By CIPESA Writer in Stockholm An interesting conversation is taking pl...
Understanding precisely what role Information and Communication Techno...
In its April 2013 publication, the ICT4Democracy in East Africa Netw...
Eighteen months since the ICT4Democracy In East Africa Network's incep...
Open Data for improved resource allocation and effective service deliv...
In 2013, we continue to work to promote the inclusiveness of the infor...
Striking a balance between freedom of expression and privacy on the in...
The 2012 Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) reports have been...
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (T/AI) has launched a c...
With internet usage continuing to spread across Africa, there are nume...
The report of the 5th Uganda Internet Governance Forum organised by th...