

Displaying 1 to 10 of 391 files.


  DRAA Statement on South Sudan Social Media Shutdown
» 945.6 KiB - 22 hits
The Digital Rights Alliance Africa (DRAA) has issued an urgent statement condemning the South Sudan government's recent decision to shut down social media platforms across the country for three months. This measure, implemented in response to escalating violence between Sudan and South Sudan, raises serious concerns about human rights and digital freedoms in the region.

  Call for Proposals
» 162.3 KiB - 0 hits
Annoucement | The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), in partnership with Enabel and the European Union, is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Uganda. This initiative is part of the Advancing Respect for Human Rights by Business in Uganda (ARBHR) project, a collaborative effort to strengthen digital rights advocacy and awareness in the business sector while reducing human rights abuses connected to business activities, particularly those impacting women and children.

  Yaounde Declaration On Electoral Disinformation
» 76.2 KiB - 106 hits
Yaounde Declaration On Electoral Disinformation

  Safety of Women Journalists in Ethiopia
» 1.6 MiB - 163 hits
Online trolling of women journalists often takes the form of gendered and sexualised attacks and, often involves body shaming. Worryingly, a global survey by UNESCO found in December 2020 that online attacks on women journalists appear to be increasing exponentially. Moreover, the UNESCO report demonstrated that online violence was also moving offline - with potentially deadly consequences. Yet women journalists who experience abuse online rarely seek justice and often struggle to have their complaints taken seriously and properly investigated.

  Tanzania Safety of Journalists Meeting
» 1.1 MiB - 115 hits
The media in Africa continues to face serious challenges in the execution of its work.

  Towards Rights Respecting Digital Laws in Uganda Infographic
» 1.6 MiB - 190 hits
Uganda’s laws governing the digital domain contribute to the suppression of digital rights.

  Leveraging digital technologies to enhance data governance practices in Africa
» 1.1 MiB - 162 hits
The current data governance policies and practices in Africa have continued to attract attention due to their inadequacy in ensuring the protection and respect for the rights of individual data subjects.

  NHRI's Workshop Agenda
» 1.6 MiB - 144 hits
Digital Rights Capacity Building of East and Southern Africa National Human Rights Institutions

  Fact-Checking and Ethical Reporting Workshop for Ethiopian Journalists
» 68.5 KiB - 137 hits
Journalism plays a crucial role in informing and shaping public opinion in Ethiopia. However, in recent years, the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation has become a significant challenge. This surge in disinformation is undermining social cohesion, promoting conflict, and leading to a concerning number of threats against journalists and human rights defenders

  Our Work on Surveillance Concerns In Africa
» 1.6 MiB - 216 hits
CIPESA research has found that the expansion in state surveillance in various African countries is denying citizens their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, and undermining their participation in democratic processes.

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