CIPESA Home Page

ICT Policy Analysis Sparking debate and curating the path towards
effective and inclusive ICT policies in Africa...
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Africa Digital Rights Fund ...bridging the financial and institutional skills gap in Africa... Learn More>> Capacity-Building-and-Practical-Skills-Development Skills Development Capacity Building & Practical Paving way for advancing online rights whilst promoting
multi-stakeholder model of internet governance in Africa
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Thematic Areas

Digital Rights

Digital Inclusion

Internet Governance

The Africa Digital Rights Fund / Le Fonds Africain pour les Droits Numériques

The Africa Digital Rights Fund (ADRF) offers flexible and rapid response grants to select initiatives in Africa to implement activities that advance digital rights, including advocacy, litigation, research, policy analysis, digital literacy and digital security skills building.

  • Access and affordability
  • Access to Information
  • Cyber crime
  • Data protection and privacy
  • Digital economy
  • Digital Identity (ID)
  • Digital security
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • eGovernance
  • Freedom of expression
  • Hate speech
  • Innovation for democratic participation, transparency and accountability (civic and social tech)
  • Misinformation/Disinformation
  • Network disruptions
  • Strategic litigation
  • Surveillance
Open Data and the Right to information

Open Data and the Right to Information

We endeavour to do work that shapes the policies, standards and practices that govern cyberspace in Africa.

  • We monitor and report on policy shifts
  • host multi-stakeholder convening and dialogues on policy at national and regional levels
  • We develop content aimed at increasing awareness and providing guidance in shaping intelligent governance in Africa and beyond
  • We summate these activities at our annual Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa
  • We also carry the insights from these activities to national, regional and global fora

Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa

The Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) is a landmark event that convenes a spectrum of stakeholders from across the internet governance and online rights arenas in Africa and beyond to deliberate on gaps, concerns and opportunities for advancing privacy, free expression, non-discrimination and the free flow of information online.

FIFAfrica has five cross-cutting objectives that support CIPESA’s mission:

  • Networking and Collaboration
  • Promote Access To Information
  • Practical Skills and Knowledge Development
  • Showcase Advocacy Efforts
  • Connect Research to Policy Discussions