Displaying 1 to 10 of 42 files.
Cyber Security readiness assessment report
» 475.3 KiB - 405 hits
This report presents the findings of the cybersecurity assessment survey conducted among
local civil society organizations in Uganda. The primary objective of this assessment was to develop a Cybersecurity Compliance and
Readiness Index for Digital Security. By systematically evaluating their practices and policies,
we aim to highlight areas of strength and identify key areas for improvement. This report offers
a detailed analysis of the survey results, providing insights and recommendations to help
organizations bolster their cybersecurity posture.
The State of Access to Digital Tools - Usage of ICT and Digital Threats to CSOs in Uganda
» 2.8 MiB - 470 hits
Common digital threats include censorship, surveillance, disinformation, and misinformation campaigns, among others.
CIPESA Annual Report 2023
» 6.5 MiB - 957 hits
The regression in democracy and adoption by citizens of digital technologies as a means to challenge nepotism, authoritarianism, and corruption continues to be matched by governments’ stranglehold on technology’s liberating power
Compelled Service Provider Assistance for State Surveillance in Africa
» 887.5 KiB - 1,194 hits
The right to privacy online is critical due to its intricate connection with, and its being a foundation for the protection
and realisation of other rights, including the rights to freedoms of expression, information, assembly, and
The State of Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists in Africa Report 2022
» 1.1 MiB - 3,438 hits
The State of Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists in Africa Report.
CIPESA Annual Report 2021
» 2.6 MiB - 657 hits
The CIPESA Annual Report 2021
Building an Enabling Environment for Inclusive Digital Transformation in Africa Roadmap to Reform 2021
» 732.6 KiB - 930 hits
CIPESA Annual Report 2020
» 3.3 MiB - 435 hits
Base de donnee biometrique et identite numerique
» 278.4 KiB - 1,118 hits
Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) se développent rapidement et sont de plus en plus intégrées dans le quotidien des sénégalais.
Removing Barriers to ICT Accessibility in Kenya Tanzania and Uganda 2020
» 393.2 KiB - 1,011 hits