As ICT becomes a necessity in our daily activities and operations, it has been approved that it’s quite easy to managed access and share information in our communities simply using ICT tools. Kasese district officials, the members from the civil society and Community members have been fully equipped with ICT skills.
This training which took place on 21st and 22nd June 2012 at the E-Society Resource Centre located at Kasese District Head Quarters was done by officials from The Collaboration for ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA).
CIPESA is one of the partners of the E-Society Resource Centre Kasese which voluntarily came in to support the centre in addition to what Ric-Net had offered. The training was facilitated by Ms. Lillian Nalwoga from CIPESA assisted by Mr. Jack Sseruwo from CIPESA and Edgar Asiimwe Napolean from SPIDER. The attendance and participation was good and everybody who attended at least was able to create personal weblogs, twitter accounts and had a full understanding of how to use other social networks like face book and Skype to promote citizen participation in governance issues. The training was launched by the assistant LCV Chairperson Hon. Muhindo Tadeo who greatly thanked the management of CIPESA for the partnership and pointed out that he is an ICT compliant who uses a lot of social networking to carry out his activities. The training revealed that in the near future, the world will be required to use much of social media like face book, twitter, weblogs, Skype, Google+ and so many others as innovations go on. A great thanks goes to the District Information Office for organizing the training to enhance civic competence.
This article was published by Kasese District News on June 23, 2012.